Takahashi, Akio. "Regional Differences in Agriculture in Burma during the Japanese Occupation Period." Reconsidering the Japanese Military Occupation in Burma (1942-45). Edited by Kei Nemoto. Vol. 7, ILCAA Southeast Asian Studies. Fuchu: Research Institute for Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University Foreign Studies, 2007: 157-178.
Takahashi, Akio. "The Cotton Production Policy and Cotton Farmers in Myanmar." Agrarian Transformation and Areal Differentiation in Globalizing Southeast Asia.. Edited by Hiromitsu Umehara. Tokyo: Rikkyo University Center for Asian Area Studies, 2002: 88-106.
Takahashi, Akio. "Long-term Trend of Rice Production and Export of Myanmar (Burma) from 1872 to 2008." Presented at the Burma Studies Conference 2010: Burma in the Era of Globalization held at Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique (IRSEA-CNRS), Provence,France, July 6-9 2010, Université de Provence,France.
Takahashi, Akio. "Swiddens, Rice Terraces, and Malaysia Connections: Resource Use and Socio-economic Strata in the Chin Hills, Myanmar." Presented at the joint workshop Dialogue on Southeast Asia held by Faculty of Arts and Science, National University of Singapore and Institute of Oriental Culture, Tokyo, September 25 2009, the University of Tokyo.
Takahashi, Akio. "Regional Differences in Agriculture in Burma during the Japanese Occupation Period." Reconsidering the Japanese Military Occupation in Burma (1942-45). Edited by Kei Nemoto. Vol. 7, ILCAA Southeast Asian Studies. Fuchu: Research Institute for Language and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University Foreign Studies, 2007: 157-178.
髙橋昭雄 「Preliminary Study on Current Situations of Cottage Industries in the Suburbs of Yangon」 髙橋昭雄 編 『インド・ビルマにおける農村諸工業の発展:1920〜50年代の数量分析を中心に』、2005. (英語)
Takahashi, Akio. "The Cotton Production Policy and Cotton Farmers in Myanmar." Agrarian Transformation and Areal Differentiation in Globalizing Southeast Asia.. Edited by Hiromitsu Umehara. Tokyo: Rikkyo University Center for Asian Area Studies, 2002: 88-106.
Takahashi, Akio. "Long-term Trend of Rice Production and Export of Myanmar (Burma) from 1872 to 2008." Presented at the Burma Studies Conference 2010: Burma in the Era of Globalization held at Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique (IRSEA-CNRS), Provence,France, July 6-9 2010, Université de Provence,France.
Takahashi, Akio. "Swiddens, Rice Terraces, and Malaysia Connections: Resource Use and Socio-economic Strata in the Chin Hills, Myanmar." Presented at the joint workshop Dialogue on Southeast Asia held by Faculty of Arts and Science, National University of Singapore and Institute of Oriental Culture, Tokyo, September 25 2009, the University of Tokyo.