Chinese Thought as Global Theory : Diversifying Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Leigh Jenco ed.(Takahiro Nakajima et al.,)

About This Book

Table of Contents:

Foreword Wang Gungwu
Introduction: On the Possibility of Chinese Thought as Global Theory Leigh Jenco
Part I. Chinese Theory and the Conditions of Knowledge
1 Knowing How to Be: The Dangers of Putting (Chinese) Thought into Action Gloria Davies
2 Grounding Normativity in Ritual: A Rereading of Confucian Texts Takahiro Nakajima
3 Attitudes in Action: Maoism as Emotional Political Theory Timothy Cheek
4 Attitudes in Action: Maoism as Emotional Political Theory Guanjun Wu
Part II. Chinese Theories across Time and Space
5 New Communities for New Knowledge: Theorizing the Movement of Ideas across Space Leigh Jenco
6 The Evolution and Identity of Confucianism: The Precedence Principle in Reforming Tradition Chenyang Li
7 Being in Time: What Medieval Chinese Theorists Can Teach Us about Causation Ignacio Villagran and Miranda Brown
8 China’s Present as the World’s Future: China and “Rule of Law” in a Post-Fordist World Michael W. Dowdle
Appendix: Character List
List of Contributors


Leigh Jenco ed.(Takahiro Nakajima et al.,)
Chinese Thought as Global Theory: Diversifying Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences and Humanities

State University of New York Press, X, ii+ 250 pages, June 2016, ISBN: 978-1-4384-6045-1

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