
Upcoming Events

We cordially invite you to GAS Joint Workshop on August 22nd (Thu) 2024, cohosted by IDE-JETRO, TAEF, GAS Program, IASA. This event will be held only in-person. To join this event, please inform to gas[at] in advance.  Date and time: August 22 (Thu), 2024, 10:00-17:00 (JST) Venue: Main Conference Room (3F), IASA, University of Tokyo Title: Immigrant workers from Global South to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea: Present situations and future challenges   Language: English Programme: 10:00- 10:10 Opening remarks Fukunari Kimura (IDE-JETRO), H.H. Michael Hsiao (TAEF), Shigeto Sonoda (IASA, The University of Tokyo) 10:10- 10:30 Outline of symposium Yukihito Sato (IDE-JETRO), H.H. Michael Hsiao 10:30-11:50 Session I Japan, Taiwan and South Korea from […]

We cordially invite you to Sumitomo Conference 2024 on October 12th (Sat), 2024. This event will be held online. To join this event, please fill in the registration form below.      Date and time: October 12 (Sat) 2024, 13:00-16:00 (JST) Venue: Online(Zoom) Title: Japanese Studies in Asia (2): From Cultural Comparisons to Sustainable Developments          アジアの日本研究(2):文化の比較から持続的な発展へ  Chair: Shigeto SONODA (Professor, IASA, University of Tokyo) Registration: Language: Japanese, English Programme: 13:00-13:10 (JST) 挨拶 日野孝俊 Greetings  HINO Takatoshi 13:10-14:30(JST) 第1セッション(日本語):日本研究における「比較の力」 (1) マルチメディア・コーパスによる発話時非言語行動の日韓対照研究       孫 栄奭(国立済州大学助教授) (2) 民主化移行期の台湾にとって明治維新とは何か:脱植民地化と民主化プロセスの交錯       楊 素霞(国立政治大学日本語文学系教授) (3) コメント       澤田ゆかり(東京外国語大学総合国際学研究院教授) 14:30-16:00 (JST) Session 2 (English): Understanding Japanese Experiences for […]

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