
"Modern Egypt through Japanese Eyes: A Study on Intellectual and Socio-economic Aspects of Egyptian Nationalism" (Merit Publishing House, Cairo)





This book is a collection of articles by a Japanese author who has studied modern Egypt for thirty years. Most of the articles here were translated from their original Japanese on different occasions. This collection therefore does not focus systematically upon a specific theme, nor does it represent all the subjects and themes the author has dealt with pertaining to area studies in modern Egypt and the Arab world. Also, the author is aware that this book may lack consistency in its annotations and bibliography. In spite of these problems, the author has decided to go forth with the publication of this book for the sake of his Egyptian friends and other Egyptian intellectuals interested in Japanese scholarship on Middle East studies, especially on modern Egypt.

The main subjects and themes the author has studied to date are outlined below, shedding light on the context of the articles collected in this book within the framework of his life’s work.


Introduction & Acknowledgements
Part One: Intellectuals’ Inquiry into Egyptian National Identity
1. 'An Autobiography as Case Study' of an Egyptian Sociologist: Sayyid ‘Uways, The History which I Carried on My Back
2. The 1919 Revolution as Seen by an Egyptian Child
3. A Jewish Egyptian Marxist Intellectual and his Inquiry into Popular Heritage
4. Inventing the Geography of Egyptian Nationalism (Wataniyya): A Review of Gamal Hamdan’s The Personality of Egypt and his Personal History
Part Two: Economic Transformation and Social Movement
5. The Development of Etatism and ‘National Bourgeoisie’in Modern Egypt
6. Historical Context of Economic Reform in Egypt
7. Urban Unrest and Social Movement under ‘Soft State’ after the Introduction of the Open-Door Policy in Egypt
8. Crises of Global Modernization and Radical Social Movements: Japan and Egypt
Part Three: Reviewing Middle Eastern Studies in Japan
9. Japanese Arab Studies after World War II: The Case of Two Pioneer Researchers (Nakaoka San’eki and Itagaki Yuzo)
10. Social Scientific Research on the Middle East in Japan: Focusing on Research Activities at the Institute of Developing Economies
11. Book Reviews
Book Review 1: "The Present in History and Areal Science: A View on the Contemporary Middle East" by Yuzo ITAGAKI
Book Review 2: "Private Landownership and the Egyptian Society" by Hiroshi KATO


"Modern Egypt through Japanese Eyes: A Study on Intellectual and Socio-economic Aspects of Egyptian Nationalism"

Merit Publishing House, Cairo, 410 pages, 2009, ISBN: 9789773514817
