
2017年度 第2回 定例研究会(着任研究会)“Global environmental history of iron and steel industry in post war East Asia”(包 茂紅 客員教授)のお知らせ

日 時 / Date: 2017年9月14日(木)14:00-16:00
Thursday, 14th September 2017 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

会 場 / Venue: 東京大学 東洋文化研究所 3階 大会議室
Conference room 303 (3rd floor), Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

題 目 / Title: “Global environmental history of iron and steel industry in post war East Asia”

発表者 / Speaker: 包 茂紅(東洋文化研究所・客員教授)
BAO Maohong (Visiting Professor, IASA)

司 会 / Chairperson: 安冨 歩(東洋文化研究所・教授)
YASUTOMI Ayumi (Professor, IASA)

使用言語 / Language: 英語 / English

概 要 / Abstract:
  Iron and steel industry has held a central place in the development of modern industrial economy and society. In the post war era, world steel production has shifted from Europe and the US to East Asia. The existing historiography focused mainly on its economic history, management history, technological history,etc..This presentation will address its environmental history from the perspective of global history. Based on two key concepts (global commodity chain, life cycle analysis), the environmental impacts of mineral extraction, processing and product consumption will be analyzed.


登録者 :包、山下
掲載期間:20170906 - 20170914
当日期間:20170914 - 20170914