



 最初の報告者であるVindu Mai Chotani氏(東京大学法学政治学研究科・研究生)は南アジア地域において存在感を増している中国に対抗する、日印関係のもつ様々な可能性について議論されました。コメンテーターである伊豆山真里氏(防衛研究所)とJagnnath P. Panda氏(Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi)は、中印関係の経済的側面と戦略的側面とを区別して分析する必要性や、中国主導のインフラ開発が実際に現地経済に与える影響のアセスメントなどに関してコメントをいただきました。

 二人目の報告者はYaqoob Khan Bangash 氏(Director, Centre for Governance and Policy, IT University of the Punjab,Pakistan)で、1947年のパキスタン成立から、世界初のイスラム共和国というパキスタンという国のアンデンティティ、 パキスタンにおける民主主義が発展途上である要因(エリート主義、土地改革の失敗など)、中国・USA・パキスタン間の外交関係、東パキスタン(=バングラデッシュ)独立以降のパキスタンのアラブ化など多岐にわたり非常に興味深い分析を披露されました。伊豆山氏からはバングラデッシュにおける近年の政治状況がパキスタンに与える影響などに関する質問がされました。

 その後、中国の一帯一路構想(One Belt One Road Initiative)が南アジア地域全体に与える経済的・政治的影響、その地政学における日本の立場など、活発な議論が行われました。


【日時】2017年9月26日(火)17時30分~19時30分 (17時00分開場)

【場所】東京大学本郷キャンパス東洋文化研究所3階 第一会議室



17:30 - 18:10Vindu Mai Chotani(Research Student, Department of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo)
'India - Japan Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal: Implications for the broader Region'

Given its rising importance, the Bay of Bengal has been witnessing a scramble amongst major powers such as India, China, Japan, the U.S., and Russia, in deepening economic and strategic ties, bilateral relationships, and connectivity and infrastructural projects. India, currently anxious about growing Chinese forays in the region and beyond, can and has been benefiting greatly by cooperating with Japan, who for its part has been competitively investing and deepening ties here. Along these lines, this presentation argues that the converging trajectory of the India and Japan partnership in the Bay of Bengal, has not only the ability to create balance that would aide in the Bay’s peaceful development and rise, but further benefits will be accrued that extend into the broader Indo-Pacific region.
18:10 - 18:50Yaqoob Khan Bangash (Director, Centre for Governance and Policy, IT University of the Punjab,Pakistan)
'Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Pakistan's Policy Options'

'Since its inception Pakistan has been in a volatile state. The country almost immediately began a costly war with India, had tense relations with Afghanistan, and played a major part in the Cold War as an ally of the United States and the West. After more than 70 years of existence, Pakistan's issues remain deep, complicated and dire. It is at the centre of the global War on Terror, has a terrorism and extremism problem itself, and its impoverished and exploding population is creating its own fissures. This talk will contextualise Pakistan in the world in the 21st century. The talk will try to make sense of Pakistan's foreign policy options by assessing its domestic reality and place it within the context of global power politics.
18:50 - 19:10Comment:
Marie IZUYAMA (Head, Asia and Africa Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies)
Comment: Jagnnath P. Panda (Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi)
19:10 - 19:30Discussion



登録者 :池亀
掲載期間:20170927 - 20171226
当日期間:20170926 - 20170926