
東文研セミナー「New Approaches to the Study of Lajvardina Tiles: Reconstructing a Dispersed Inscription Frieze」のお知らせ

 東京大学東洋文化研究所班研究「イスラーム美術の諸相」では、日本学術振興会令和4年度外国人招へい研究者(短期第2回)としてラージュヴァルディーナ陶器を中心とする日本コレクション所蔵の中世イラン陶器の研究のために来日されるヨーク大学Senior LecturerのRichard McClary先生による東文研セミナー(Zoomによるオンライン研究会)を開催いたします。ご参加を希望される方は10月4日までに

日時:October 6, (Thu), 2022 15:00–, via Zoom

発表者:Dr. Richard Piran McClary (Senior Lecturer in Islamic Art & Architecture, Department of History of Art, University of York)

演題:New Approaches to the Study of Lajvardina Tiles: Reconstructing a Dispersed Inscription Frieze

Abstract:Combining the study of the removal of Ilkhanid tiles from Iran in the nineteenth century CE, and analysis of the methods of architectural tile production in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries CE, this lecture presents a case study of a single lajvardina tile frieze that has never been examined before. By analyzing a group of unpublished complete and fragmentary tiles, from museums across Europe and North America, a methodological framework for the reassessment and deeper understanding of a far wider range of dispersed Islamic tile revetments can emerge. This talk has the wider aim of shifting the discourse about tiles from the study of individual objects to viewing them as part of a larger dispersed composition, and with it posing questions concerning provenance, display, ethics and repatriation.


登録者 :桝屋・田川
掲載期間:20220922 - 20221006
当日期間:20221006 - 20221006