The 62st Tobunken-ASNET seminar
Muslims in China and Modernity in Eurasia: Finding a clue through the concept of “Hui” in the first half of the twentieth century
The 62th Tobunken-ASNET seminar will be held as follows. This seminar is open to public without entry.
日時/Date:2012年12月6日(木)17:00-18:00 / 6th December (Thu) 2012, 17:00-18:00
会場/Venue:東京大学東洋文化研究所3階 大会議室 / Main Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo
報告者/Presenter:山﨑典子 Noriko YAMAZAKI (日本学術振興会特別研究員 JSPS Research Fellow)
タイトル/Title:中国のムスリムとユーラシアの近代:20世紀前半における「回」概念を手がかりにして/ Muslims in China and Modernity in Eurasia: Finding a clue through the concept of “Hui” in the first half of the twentieth century
使用言語/Language :Japanese
報告要旨/Abstract :
Historically, the term “Hui” referred to Islam and Muslims in Chinese. The purpose of this presentation is to analyze the process that has formed the concept of “nation” in modern Eurasian regions, particularly in China, by tracing the transition of the meaning of “Hui”. More specifically, I examine the “Hui” identities of Chinese-speaking Muslim Elite (religious leaders, intellectuals, journalists and so forth), focusing attention on the period of the first half of the twentieth century, when the concept of “nation”, minzu, was introduced to China.
お問合せ先/Contact to:日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク(ASNET)
Network for Education and Research on Asia
電話/tel :03-5841-5868
e-mail: asnet[at]asnet.u-tokyo.ac.jp