
東文研セミナー「Anti-sacrifice: Blood Donation and the 'Philanthropic Share'」のお知らせ

新進気鋭の人類学者Jacob Copeman氏を招いて、インドにおける献血運動において再解釈される「犠牲」と「慈善」の概念について発表していただきます。




◆日時/Date and time:
2016年11月25日(金), 15:00~17:00
Nov. 25, 2016 (Fri.), 3:00-5:00PM

東京大学東洋文化研究所 第一会議室(3階)
Conference Room 1 (3rd Floor), The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

Dr Jacob Copeman (Senior Lecturer, Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh, UK/ Visiting Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan)

◆使用言語/Language: English/英語

Anti-sacrifice: Blood Donation and the 'Philanthropic Share'

Drawing on ethnographic research in Delhi and Kolkata on educational campaigns concerning blood donation and transfusion, this paper explores how voluntary blood donor organizations seek to educate schoolchildren and others about the quantities of blood that can be safely donated. This requires a wholesale re-proportioning of existing understandings of the human body’s hematological productive capacities. The key point they seek to convey is that the body produces more blood than it needs, and that this portion of excess blood can thus be given without the body losing anything. This insight is at odds with conventional understandings of blood donation in the region as involving non-recuperable loss, an understanding that informs perceptions of blood donation as a sacrificial gesture. Employing Bataille’s notion of ‘excess’ energy in The Accursed Share (1988), I seek to show how for such campaigners the body comes to be perceived as made for giving -- the body contains a philanthropic share of blood.


東京大学東洋文化研究所 / Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia(IASA), the University of Tokyo
日本南アジア学会月例懇話会 / Japanese Association for South Asian Studies



登録日時:Wed Nov 2 12:58:55 2016
登録者 :池亀・藤岡
掲載期間:20161102 - 20161125
当日期間:20161125 - 20161125