


“Frontiers of Asian Studies”
Symposium to mark the inauguration of The International Journal of Asian Studies

March 10,2004.1:00−5:30pm

東京大学東洋文化研究所 大会議室
Large Lecture Room,3F, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo

Welcome  Akihiko Tanaka, Director, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo
Keynote Address  Anthony Reid, National University of Singapore
    “Imagining and Studying Asia in a Globalising World”

1:50−2:40  Inauguration of The International Journal of Asian Studies
Greetings from Takeshi Hamashita, Editor-in-Chief
Presentation  Ella Colvin, Cambridge University Press
    “Looking East and West: International Journals Publishing at Cambridge”
Commentator  Gaynor Sekimori, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo

3:00−5:30  Panel: Intra-Asian Networks
Paul Kratoska, National University of Singapore
    “Hong Kong and Singapore: Imperial Free Ports and Late Colonial Nationalism”
Takeshi Hamashita, Kyoto University
    “Networks as the Foundation of Regional Economic Growth and Crisis:
    Remittances by Overseas Chinese and Their Financial Networks in the 1930s“
Discussants: Elizabeth Sinn, University of Hong Kong
    Kim Yongdeok, Seoul National University
    Huang Ping, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

東京大学東洋文化研究所とケンブリッジ大学出版会との共同の事業として、アジア研究の国際学術雑誌The International Journal of Asian Studies(ケンブリッジ大学出版会刊行)が創刊されました。創刊を記念して、上記のシンポジウムを開催します。

問い合わせ先:東京都文京区本郷7−3−1 東京大学東洋文化研究所 : 電話 03−5841−5836(研究協力掛)

All welcome. Language of Symposium: English. As capacity is limited, please register:Academic Cooperation Section, Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.; Tel.: 03-5841-5836 or 03-5841-5859(English).

登録日時:Wed Mar 3 14:42:12 2004
登録者 :研究協力掛
掲載期間:20040217 - 20040310
当日期間:20040310 - 20040310