Paul E. Losensky氏講演会(3/7, 3/11)のご案内 (English Below)
この度、科研費プロジェクト「アジア諸社会におけるエリートのネットワークと文化表象−比較研究の試み」(代表:中里成章/東京大・東洋文化研)では、「ペルシア語文化圏」をカヴァーする広い視野から近世のペルシア語韻文学の研究を進めておられるインディアナ大学のPaul E. Losensky氏をお招きし、関係諸機関のご協力をいただいて以下の二回にわたり講演会を催すことといたしました。内容は、文学と建築や社会との相互関係や、文学を通じて見た地域間交流の様態などを扱うもので、ペルシア文学を専門とされる方以外にとっても大変興味深いものであると思います。両講演会とも参加自由で、事前の連絡などは必要ありません。ご多忙の折とは存じますが、奮ってご参加いただけますようお願いいたします。
・講演者:Paul E. Losensky(米国・インディアナ大学・中央ユーラシア研究学科;比較文学科・助教授。主著:Welcoming Fighani: Imitation and Poetic Individuality in the Safavid-Mughal Ghazal, Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda, 1998.
・3月7日(火) 午後3時〜午後5時
論題:Poets, Patronage, and the Place of Persian in the Early Modern World.
要旨:From a global perspective, Persian was arguably the most widely used language in the early modern world of the 16th and 17th centuries.Stretching across south, west, and central Asia, the geographical range of the language was matched by the variety of its social and cultural functions. In this lecture, Professor Losensky will discuss the various roles that Persian played across this geographical expanse and consider why this major phase of world linguistic and literary history is so little known or acknowledged today. To trace the changing patterns of patronage and cultural exchange between the major centers of the Persianate world in Iran, India, and Central Asia, he will examine the biographies and critical receptions of several representive poets and writers, including Naziri of Nishapur, Kalim of Kashan, and Sa'eb of Tabriz.
論題:Palaces, Cities, and Landscapes: Topographical Themes in Early Modern Persian Poetry.
要旨:During the 16th and 17th centuries, architecture, the urban environment, and scenic landscape emerged as popular topics of Persian poetry. Versified chronograms were composed as foundation inscriptions for mosques and mansions. Descriptions of palaces, royal gardens, and public works often formed the basis of panegyric celebrations of the ruling class, while tours of the city market celebrated the economic prosperity of the city at large. In this lecture, Professor Losensky will consider possible reasons for the emergence of this theme during this period and consider several prominent examples of the poetic representations of architecture in Safavid Iran, Mughal India, and Astarkhanid Central Asia: dedicatory chronograms, 'Abdi Beyg Shirazi's long poem on Tahmasp’s Qazvin ("Jannat-e 'Adn"), Kalim Kashani's inscriptions for the far-flung palaces of Shahjahan, and Sayyada Nasafi's walking tour of his native city of Bokhara. These case studies will show how transregional fashion for topographical poetry was inflected differently in the various regions of the Persianate world and reflect on the possible interfaces between the art forms of literature and architecture.
English: Professor Paul E. Lausensky (Indiana Univ.) will deliver two lectures in March.
15:00-17:00, 7 March, at Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library: Poets, Patronage, and the Place of Persian in the Early Modern World. (See above for the summary).
15:00-17:30, 11 March, at Institute of Oriental Culture, The Univ. of Tokyo: Palaces, Cities, and Landscapes:
Topographical Themes in Early Modern Persian Poetry. (The same for the summary) For further information, contact Kazuo Morimoto
登録日時:Wed Mar 1 17:09:34 2006
登録者 :研究協力係
- 20060311
- 20060311