

Ethnic Autonomy for Sustainable Peace in Nepal


日時 2007年3月23日(金)、15:00-17:00
場所 東洋文化研究所会議室(東大本郷構内 工学部8号館7階)

題目 "Ethnic Autonomy for Sustainable Peace in Nepal: A Case of Nepa Mandala (Newar Autonomy)"

講師 Dr Pancha N. Maharjan
(Associate Professor at CNAS, Tribhuvan University,
Visiting Scholar at Hiroshima University)

 Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-religious nation. According to the national census of 2001, the total population of Brahmins and Chhetris was 12 and 17 percent respectively. Other ethnic groups, scheduled caste groups, and other backward communities occupied the remaining percent. Similarly, the government recognized 59 ethnic (indigenous nationalities) groups in the country, as identified by the National Committee for Development of Nationalities. Among the indigenous communities, Newar is one of the major ethnic groups among the 59 ethnic groups, which constitutes the 5.6 percent of total population of Nepal.
 Nepalese people had an experience of autonomous rule since Lichhavi period in 300 A.D. After Shah rule in Nepal, due to 300 years domination, marginalization, suppression, and exploitation demand of autonomy by all the ethnic groups is natural. On the other hand, in this issue, the Maoists went one step ahead establishing 9 autonomous regions in the country during their movement. Similarly, all the ethnic groups associated with their umbrella organizations like Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities, Federation of Dalit Organizations, etc. have educated their communities on the importance of ethnic autonomy for their over all development. Therefore, the political scenario indicates that if the nation will not go for national autonomy on the basis of ethnicity, peace will be difficult to achieve. For instance, we can see a recent example of Tarai movement. It is a result of negligence of the negotiating parties on Taraian issues. But, after their movement negotiating parties as well as the government assured to fulfill their demands. Therefore, nation will be bound to go for it. In a way, if the nation will take a policy of autonomy, will it be possible to form the Newar Autonomy in Kathmandu valley, if yes why the Newars want for it and how will be the structure and possibility? My lecture will be based on these issues.

主催 「南アジア北部における人類学的研究の再検討」班研究会
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