この度、ダルマシャーストラ研究の第一人者であるTimothy Lubin教授(Jessie Ball duPont Professor of Religion, Washington and Lee University)の講演会が東文研セミナーとして開催されることとなりました。今回の講演では、1世紀に登場するインドの寄進文書に見られる免除特権とギリシア・ヘレニズム支配者による神殿への免除特権との類似から推測される、後者から前者への影響、さらにはその後のインドとヨーロッパにおける寄進文書の並行する発展について、同教授が近年精力的に研究されている古ジャワ語寄進文書にも言及しつつ論じた上で、宗教と国家の関係に対して寄進文書が持つ意味について考察する予定です。ヘレニズムからインド、さらにはその後のヨーロッパや東南アジアにわたる寄進文書の歴史をダイナミックに捉え、議論する機会となります。どうか奮ってご参加ください。
連絡先:古井龍介(東京大学東洋文化研究所)E-mail: furui[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
The religious endowment charters for Buddhist and Brahmin beneficiaries that “suddenly” began to appear in western India in the first century CE by Indian and Indo-Scythian kings have tended to be seen as a wholly novel development, though I have argued that the fiscal privileges mentioned in the Emperor Aśoka’s inscription at Lumbini constitutes a forerunner three centuries earlier. No one has noted the parallels with immunities granted to temples (and the surrounding city in the case of urban temples) by Greek and Hellenistic rulers. The terms of used differ of course, but the telltale clue is the fact that, across all these regions, the granted privileges frequently combine jurisdictional privilege, immunities to taxation and compulsory provision of labor, goods, and services, and/or other privileges of autonomy — in Greek, hikesia, asylia, ateleia, and/or autonomia. I hypothesize that, besides developing an Indic epigraphic practice initially inspired by Hellenistic models, Indian rulers may also have adapted some of the conventions of religious grants from the same sources. Interestingly, Indian and later European grant charters seem subsequently to have followed a wholly independent but partly parallel development from this shared basis. Although one aspect of juridical immunity — the right to provide asylum — is hard to identify in the South Asian records, I have found traces of it in some Buddhist grants, and a seeming revival (or local analogue) in Old Javanese charters. I close by reflecting on the implications of such charters for religion-and-state relations.