この度、ダルマシャーストラ研究の第一人者であるTimothy Lubin教授 (Chair, Department of Religion, Washington and Lee University) の講演会が開催されることとなりました。今回の講演では、Lubin教授の最近の研究テーマであるブラーフマナの権威と関連して、苦行者と対置される宗教専門家としての、家長ブラーフマナの概念化について論じられる予定です。インド学および南アジア史の広い範囲に関わる問題について、最新の成果を知る良い機会と思われます。どうか奮ってご参加ください。
連絡先:古井龍介(東京大学東洋文化研究所)E-mail: furui[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Though the term ‘asceticism’ is conventionally reserved for the practice of those who have adopted a permanent religious profession divorced from worldly affairs, their distinctive techniques of discipline could be practiced in modified forms or for limited periods by laypeople. Beginning around the period of the emperor Aśoka (3rd c. BCE), Brahmins proposed a novel conception of dharma (religious virtue) in which the ritually observant householder was presented as analogous, and equal or even superior, to the religious professions (āśrama) of the hermit or homeless mendicant. This conception of the householder as a religious professional “who stays at home” (gṛhastha), in contrast to those “who have departed” the domestic life (pravrajita), asserts that a domestic life, if properly disciplined, can constitute a religious profession. The analogy between learned, ritually disciplined Brahmins and the mendicants of other orders (Buddhist, Jaina, Ājīvika, et al.) was reinforced by the novel principle, taught in the Sanskrit ritual and dharma codes, and in the Mahābhārata epic, that learned Brahmins are suitable recipients of ceremonial feeding at ancestor offering rites, in the guest-reception rite, and ultimately at offerings of many sorts. Evidence that this self-representation of disciplined and learned householder Brahmins as “holy men” was persuasive can be found in the fact that from an early period, Brahmins received patronage from kings and other elites in forms analogous to that bestowed upon celibate monastics, e.g., in permanently endowed land grants to establish tax-free properties set aside for and supporting Brahmin households. Unlike the celibate professionals, however, householder Brahmins were able to play a wider range of roles, including holding office in the royal state.