
東文研セミナー “ ‘Who I was his master, ʿAlī is his master’: The Narrative Development of a Shīʿī Hadith and Its Transmitters in the Eighth Century”が開催されました


  2024年12 月4日、國立政治大学(台北)のI-Wen Su教授を講師として、東文研セミナー“ ‘Who I was his master, ʿAlī is his master’: The Narrative Development of a Shīʿī Hadith and Its Transmitters in the Eighth Century”が開催された。Su氏の講演は、「私を主人とする者にとっては、アリーが主人である」という趣旨の発言を預言者ムハンマドに帰す伝承群を伝承経路と本文の双方に見られるヴァリエーションに即して検討するものであった。7~8世紀のクーファに当該伝承群の広範な流布の出発点を見いだしたSu氏は、ウマイヤ朝の政治的主張に対抗してアリーを称揚しようとするクーファの地域主義が初期的な流布の背景にあったとする解釈を提示した。質疑では、Su氏がそのような地域主義をシーア派とは異なるものと規定したのに対する疑問が提出されるなど、講演内容がさらに深められた。本セミナーには対面で約10名、オンラインで30名ほどが参加した。









講師:I-Wen Su (National Chengchi University)

題目:‘Who I was his master, ʿAlī is his master’: The Narrative Development of a Shīʿī Hadith and Its Transmitters in the Eighth Century


講演要旨:This lecture addresses a Prophetic tradition, ‘Who I was his master, ʿAlī is his master’ (man kuntu mawlāhu fa-ʿAlī mawlāhu). This hadith is cited by Shīʿī and Sunnī Muslims alike to articulate ʿAlī’s exclusive legitimacy to rule or his privileged standing in the first Muslim community; however, its origins remain understudied. The lecturer will present the results of an analysis of this Prophetic hadith through the isnād-cum-matn method, which not only pinpoint the time of its circulation or creation, but also identify the key transmitters responsible for the circulation of its variants. The sectarian tendencies of the pivotal figures in the dissemination of this hadith as depicted in early Arabic biography also provide valuable insights which can help to navigate the ambiguous sectarian boundaries in early Islam.


登録者 :森本・西山・多田
掲載期間:20241218 - 20250317
当日期間:20241204 - 20241204