【日 時】 10月17日(木) 17:00-18:00
【会 場】 東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
【報告者】 ポール・クライトマン氏(東文研 訪問研究員/プリンストン大学)
【題 名】 日中戦争期における三峡ダム構想―大谷光瑞とジョン・ルシアン・サヴェージの役割を中心に
※ 報告は英語で行われます。
【Date】 Oct 17 (Thu), 2013, 17:00-18:00
【Venue】 Lobby, 1F, Tobunken
【Speaker】Paul Kreitman (Visiting Fellow/ Princeton University)
【Title】 Ōtani Kōzui, John Lucian Savage and the Wartime Origins of the Three Gorges Dam
The origins of China's Three Gorges Dam are usually traced either to the "father of the nation", Sun Yat-sen, or to a Soviet blueprint for modernization imported after 1949. But the plan for a large dam on the Yangtze crystalised during the Sino-Japanese War, a globalized conflict that inspired dueling foreign governments to craft a techno-utopian vision of China’s future.
Two foreigners, a Japanese and an American, played a prominent role in this process. Ōtani Kōzui over his life worked variously as a religious scholar, journalist, and all-round booster for Japanese interests in East Asia. In 1939, as a member of the Konoe cabinet, he compiled the "Ōtani Plan" for Asian Development - in which he envisioned a dam ten times higher than anything previously proposed.
In 1944 John Lucian Savage, the architect of the Hoover Dam, travelled to Chungking as a US State Department liaison. With Kuomintang cooperation, Savage also drew up a report recommending the construction of a large dam on the Yangtze. Both projects were thwarted by the tides of war - but they did succeed in crafting a techno-utopian vision that would have a potent afterlife in China after 1949.
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