東洋文化研究所では、フランス社会科学高等研究院との学術交流協定に基づき、同研究院のXavier PAULES先生を招聘し、下記の要領にてセミナーを開催いたします。
【日時】:2014年12月4日(木) 14:00-16:00
【会場】:東京大学 東洋文化研究所 3階 第1会議室
【講師】:Xavier PAULES (フランス社会科学高等研究院、准教授)
【題目】:The gambling game of fantan and the Cantonese diaspora, 1850-1950
【司会】:高見澤 磨(東洋文化研究所 所長)
【コメンテーター】:大木 康 教授
【使用言語】: 英語
The gambling game of fantan and the Cantonese diaspora, 1850-1950
Gambling games do cross boundaries. Scholars concerned with the history of gambling games in China are well aware of that fact. They have eagerly underlined the western impact during the Late Qing and Republican period, with the import into China of gambling games like horse and dog races, poker, baccarat, roulette, pelote basque, etc. Yet they have paid no attention to another important aspect: during the same period, many Chinese games took the reverse direction and made their way to other countries. For example, cricket fighting became very popular in Java (where it was known as adu jangkrik), huahui lottery was (and is still) widely popular in Cuba under the name of Charada. The same is true of the game I shall deal with: fantan番攤. It was one of the most popular gambling games in Late Qing and Republican South China. It can be characterized as an intermediary type, halfway between Chinese old-style lottery games and casino table games which are nowadays popular in Macao (Baccarat, roulette for example). During the second half of the nineteenth century, as a consequence of coolie emigrations, fantan became a common sight among Cantonese communities in America, Australia as well as in East Asia. Fantan offers an example of how games crossed the boundaries of the Chinese diaspora to take root in the local population. To investigate this phenomenon, I shall take Vietnam as a study case.
The game also played a major role in shaping the overseas communities themselves. Therefore, gambling games like fantan provide an extremely seminal perspective to investigate the social texture of the Cantonese diaspora. Their impact was certainly not only socially destructive. The tanguan 攤館, the gambling places where fantan was played, were instrumental in generating an ad hoc sociability that strengthened the social ties among the community. Even more unexpectedly, they also provided safety and welfare: for example they offered easy jobs to the elderly members of the community who were no more able to perform heavy labor.