東京大学東洋文化研究所では、この度、東文研セミナー「The Zheng Regime and the Tokugawa Bakufu: Asking for the Japanese Intervention」を下記の要領で開催することとなりました。
スピーカーのPatrizia Carioti先生(ナポリ東洋大学教授)は、中世末期・近世初期の東アジア海域世界に関するご業績で著名な研究者で、現在東洋文化研究所に訪問研究員として在籍されています。今回のセミナーでは、鄭氏政権と徳川幕府の関係についてお話し下さいます。
日時:2022年6月17日(金) 15:30〜17:00
講師:Professor Patrizia Carioti(ナポリ東洋大学/東京大学)
題目:The Zheng Regime and the Tokugawa Bakufu: Asking for the Japanese Intervention
司会:森本一夫 (東京大学東洋文化研究所)
https://forms.gle/ooSAFnwshfY2RiJ79 (open until the end of June 15)
The relations between the Zheng and the Tokugawa Japan, as we know, are an intrinsic part of the long history of the Zheng power itself, and regard all the possible aspects: economic, political, military, and personal nature as well, if we consider the lives of Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong. The commercial relations were indeed essential, because, as we know, through his Kokusen’yasen, Zheng Chenggong could exert direct influence on Nagasaki flux of import-export, and therefore on the Japanese inner market too, and to a certain extent, on the Japanese economy as well. The violent competition between the Zheng and the VOC, which involved the entire context of maritime East Asia, was a true ‘duel’ in Nagasaki, with serious consequences on the Japanese market as well. Yet, the commercial influence exerted by the Zheng maritime organisation in Japan was also used as a political instrument to attempt to involve the bakufu in the Ming-Qing transition, and gain military support on the loyalist side. This political intercourse, in fact, was revealed to be a very significant aspect of the long and complex relations between the Zheng regime and the Tokugawa leadership. The numerous efforts made by the Zheng, and by the Ming loyalists, to obtain Tokugawa military involvement on their side or at least the Japanese financial support for organising the counterattack against the Manchu, represented a key element of the multifaceted international contest of mid-17th century East Asia. Those years, as we know, were crucial for the outcome of the Ming-Qing conflict. In response to the numerous appeals received from the Zheng, and more in general from the Ming resistance groups, the political stances taken by the Edo bakufu toward the Ming-Qing conflict were ambiguous and contradictory. Nevertheless, the intercourse between the Zheng - and more in general the entire Ming resistance - and the Tokugawa leadership, is certainly of extreme interest.
連絡先:森本一夫 morikazu[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp