
東文研セミナー:6月19日(水)Yazid Ben Hounet氏講演会「アルジェリアとモロッコにおける和解と補償」のお知らせ

東京大学東洋文化研究所では6月19日(水)にフランスCNRSの社会人類学研究者Yazid Ben Hounet氏(CNRS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris)をお迎えし、現代アルジェリアとモロッコにおける国民和解に関する講演会を開催いたします。損害の補償という問題に、人類学の視点から分析を行います。白谷望氏(愛知県立大学)にディスカッサントをお願いしました。

The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo is pleased to announce a lecture on June 19 by Dr. Yazid Ben Hounet (CNRS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris). Dr. Ben Hounet will analyze the question of compensation in the national reconciliation processes in contemporary Algeria and Morocco from an anthropological viewpoint. We invited Dr. Nozomi Shiratani (Aichi Prefectural University) as a discussant. The lecture will be held hybrid and open to the public. A registration is required for online participants.

1. Subject:

Reconciliation and Compensation in Algeria and Morocco

2. Speaker and Discussant:

Speaker: Dr. Yazid Ben Hounet (CNRS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris, France)

Discussant:Dr. Nozomi Shiratani (Aichi Prefectural University)

3. Abstract:

Algeria and Morocco have put in place policies of “reconciliation”. At the heart, we find one practice: (monetary) compensation for the crimes committed. Compensation remains a central practice of reconciliation mechanisms in North Africa, but it alone fails to integrate the expectations of reparations, as they are increasingly promoted here and elsewhere; i.e., more focused on the “condition of the victim” (Rechtman, 2011).

4. Program:

Date and Time: June 19, 2024 (Wed), 16:00~18:00

Language: English (without Japanese translation)

Venue: Meeting Room 304, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Open to the public (For those who participate online, registration is required from the form below):
*The form should be submitted by June 16 (Sun), 2024, 12:00 (JST)

5. Contact:



登録者 :渡邊・多田
掲載期間:20240524 - 20240619
当日期間:20240619 - 20240619