2024年3月13日、東文研セミナー "Petitions and “Individuals”: First-Person Narratives and Historical Agency at Intersections of Diplomatic, Administrative, and Legal History” が、イスラーム信頼学プロジェクト科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「イスラーム共同体の理念と国家体系」(代表:近藤信彰)と共催で開催された。今回のセミナーでは、オスマン帝国末期から第一次大戦後の中東の新しい政治体制に至る移行期を専門とするオルチュン・ジャン・オカン氏が講師として、第一次世界大戦期から戦後のオスマン帝国と中東における嘆願書に焦点を当てて講演を行った。
日時:2024年3月13日 (水) 15:00~17:00
講師:Orçun Can Okan (University of Oxford)
題目:“Petitions and “Individuals”: First-Person Narratives and Historical Agency at Intersections of Diplomatic, Administrative, and Legal History”
Historians use various kinds of first-person narratives to trace past experiences and analyze historical actors’ claims about the past, the present, and the future. These include memoirs published in multiple editions, manuscripts written for the eyes of the very few (if any), as well as petitions processed (or ignored) on the desks of bureaucrats. With a focus on petitions in particular, this talk invites renewed attention to how first-person narratives can facilitate the contextualization of historical agency in new, explanatory ways. It critically engages with the role of memoirs in recent scholarship on World War I and its aftermath(s) in the Ottoman Empire, and highlights alternative research directions that foreground petitions formulated to address specific administrative and legal problems in times of state succession. By questioning some of the basic assumptions underlying notions of “ordinary people” and “bottom-up” approaches, it problematizes uncritical reliance on these notions in analyses of social interactions through archival sources. Ultimately, the talk aims to stimulate conversation on how to balance structural factors with “individual” (and collective) agency in particular historical contexts.