

‘Partition and Independence in Heterogeneous Time’

 その後残念ながら、Partha Chatterjee 先生が、所長を務める研究所の「外部評価」と重なるということで来日が不可能になりました。また、東文研の事情で会場の変更が必要になりました。下記のようにプログラムを組み直し、場所を変更して開催したいと思います。日時には変更がありません。皆さま奮ってご参加ください。


タイトル:‘Partition and Independence in Heterogeneous Time’
日 時:2006年3月17日(金)午前10時〜午後7時
場 所:東京大学仏教青年会会議室
    文京区本郷 3-33-5 日本信販ビル2階 (本郷三丁目交差点 UFJ銀行のあるビル)
    最寄駅 丸ノ内線・大江戸線 本郷三丁目
    Tel.: 03-3813-5903, Fax.: 03-3813-6987
問合せ先:中里成章(; 03-5841-5864)

10:00 - 11:00
Nariaki Nakazato, Professor of South Asian History, Institute of Oriental Culture, The University of Tokyo
‘Partition Riots and Post-independence Riots in Heterogeneous Time: The Case of Calcutta’

11:00 - 12:00
Sanjib Baruah, Professor of Political Studies, Bard College, New York
‘The Contradictions of National Space: Citizenship Practices in Post-partition Assam’

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Break

1:00 - 2:00
Sudhir Chandra, Golden Jubilee Professor of History in Mizoram
‘The Moment of a Feeling about an Event: Some General Considerations and a Literary Text’

2:00 - 2:30
Discussion on a paper by Ajay Skaria (Associate Professor of History, University of Minnesota)
‘Only One Word, Properly Altered: Gandhi and the Question of the Veshiya’

2:30 - 3:30
Chiharu Takenaka, Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
‘Gandhi and Politics of Violence’

3:30 - 3:45 Coffee Break

3:45 - 4:45
Janaki Nair, Professor of History, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
‘After the State: The Kannada Mannina Maga (son-of-the-soil) in mid-Twentieth Century Mysore’.

4:45 - 5:45
Gyanendra Pandey, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of History, Emory University, Atlanta
‘The Time of the Dalit Conversion’

5:45 - 7:00 General Discussion

In conceptualizing our theme, we draw your attention to what Partha Chatterjee has, in his recent work on The Politics of the Governed, characterized as the antinomy between a ‘homogeneous national’ and a ‘heterogeneous social’ (p.36). Amplifying Michel Foucault’s concept of ‘govermentality’, he develops a theoretical scheme built on an opposition between the ‘lofty political imaginary of popular sovereignty’ which give rise to the ‘homogeneous national’, on the one hand, and the effects of ‘mundane administrative reality’ and ‘governmentality’ giving rise, on the other, to the ‘heterogeneous social’ (Foucault’s ‘population’). In this workshop we will revisit claims of the ‘homogeneous national’, and consider more closely the production of the ‘heterogeneous social’ as a consequence of multiple negotiations and manifold adaptations in uncounted places. Our focus is on the disputed criteria of ‘citizenship’ and of acceptable ‘community’ (which includes national, regional, religious and other social groups), and on the contest over these as it is played out in diverse local arenas, all of which are likely to have been shot through at this juncture with powerfully articulated ideas of the ‘national’.

登録日時:Thu Mar 2 16:52:57 2006
登録者 :研究協力係
掲載期間:20060302 - 20060317
当日期間:20060317 - 20060317