【会場】:東北大学 国際文化研究科 マルチメディア教育研究棟6階 講演会場
【報告者】: 竹村 英二 (国士大教授/東文研研究協力者)
(1) 10:00 ~ 11:30
(2) 11:50 ~ 12:50
ヨーロッパ日本研究協会(EAJS)国際研究集会について: 最近の大会報告の様相に鑑みながら
【司会】:伊東 貴之 (国際日本文化研究センター)
【要旨】The text study methods that embraced meticulously detailed philological and bibliographical research, and the study of pre-Han language - words, grammatical structure, and phonetics peculiar to the ancient Chinese - evolved in the first half of the c.18th in Japan, particularly among Ken’en (Sorai) and Kogaku-ha scholars. Amongst them, Yamanoi Kanae, Nemoto Bui, and Dazai Shundai, the Sorai disciples, Ito Togai of Kogaku-ha, and Nakai Riken of Kaitokudo were the key figures. Standard of philological studies improved dramatically in Japan in the second half of that century, thanks largely to the massive increase of Ming and Q’ing Confucian texts through which the Japanese scholars further reinforced their exegesis. The mid-Edo scholarly temperament apparent in Ito Jinsai’s denial of Chu His’s assertion of 大学 and 中庸 as Confucius’ own work, and his detailed text critique of 論語, and Nakai Riken’s critical examination of 今文 and 古文尚書 texts that embraced highly ‘objective’ text critique, is comparable to the critique of classical Greek texts by Giambattista Vico of c.17th and August Boeckh of c.19th in Europe.
主催:科研費基盤研究(C)「考証学・言語の学、そして近代知性 - 近代的学問の「基体」としての漢学の学問方法」(代表:竹村)
共催:東洋文化研究所個別課題「中国古代テクスト研究と西欧のフィロロギー -18世紀日本の文献学的・書誌学的学問方法の比較研究 -」(竹村)