東京大学東洋文化研究所では、この度、東文研セミナー「Asiatic Imperial Constitutional Making – Legal Borrowings from the Ottomans by the Asiatic World」を下記の要領で開催することになりました。
日時:2022年7月28日(木) 15:30〜17:002022年8月4日(木) 15:30〜17:00
講師:Yakoob Ahmed(イスタンブル大学/東京大学)
題目:Asiatic Imperial Constitutional Making – Legal Borrowings from the Ottomans by the Asiatic World
This presentation will examine how the Ottoman Empire’s discursive constitutional efforts influenced the Malaysian state of Johor, Meiji Japan and Qing China's attempts for their own indigenous constitutions. By examining these constitutional processes, inspecting the various moving Asian elites and monarchs - who travelled to each other’s nations, as well as surveying the multiple legal terminologies that were applied, one can deduce that there was space for modern Asian constitutions that needn’t be “Western”. These sovereign states were negotiating with the intervening of colonial law but at the same time consolidating their existence globally and locally through the framework of their own traditions. This included the role of the various Asian religions/traditions such as Islam, State-Shintoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism in international law-making. For the Asian states mentioned, it is worth asking how they viewed the Ottomans. Did they see them as European, an alternative or alien? And how did they witness Ottoman constitutional efforts as a lesson for their own attempts towards constitutionalism? As a result, this presentation will ask how informative was “Ottoman modernity” and the Ottoman constitution as a possible alternative to the Western European models.