日時 : 2014年7月20日(日)15:00~17:00
会場: 国士舘大学 世田谷キャンパス34号館 B棟 3階会議室
報告者:竹村英二 伊東貴之 江藤裕之
演題 :「ヨーロッパ日本研究協会」2014年度大会報告にむけて
(1)Nakai Riken, Ota Kinjo and the evolution of evidential research in c.18th Japan (竹村)
(2)Kokugaku and Philologie: Parallels and differences between the two distinctive "classical" studies(江藤)
(3)Li Gong and the development of Qing scholarship (伊東)
Recent studies on Confucianism shed light to the importance of ‘evidential research’, a movement within the study of Confucian classical texts that flourished in mid-Tokugawa Japan.
However, the methodological details of the c.18th Tokugawa scholarly achievements had never been comparatively examined in conjunction with the exegesis and bibliography of F.A. Wolf and A. Boeckh of the c.19th Europe, the chief figures of philological studies in Germany, and thus Japanese evidential research as an example of the leading scholarship of the ‘world philology’ has never been justly appraised.
The panel comprises a language and philological studies specialist with profound knowledge of c.18th German philologists such as F.A. Wolf and A. Boeckh, a Sinologist specialising in Qing China empiricist scholarship, and a Japanese intellectual historian.
The chair would like to assert that this would probably be the first occasion in this field that the mid-to-late Edo language and philological scholarship is to be studied in depth by well-informed academics of these respective disciplinary backgrounds in comparative perspective, that involves some least-known rare historical and antiquarian materials only available in Japan.
主催:科研費基盤研究(C)「考証学・言語の学、そして近代知性 - 近代的学問の「基体」として漢学の学問方法」(代表:竹村)
共催:東洋文化研究所個別課題「中国古代テクスト研究と西欧のフィロロギー --18世紀日本の文献学的・書誌学的学問方法の比較研究 --」(竹村)
担当 :真鍋