
東文研セミナー "UNC-Chapel Hill at Tobunken: Mini-Lectures by Carl W. Ernst and Cemil Aydin" が開催されました


 5月24日(水)午後13時45分より14時45分にかけて、ノース・キャロライナ大学チャペルヒル校のアーンスト教授、アイドゥン教授を迎え、東文研セミナー"UNC-Chapel Hill at Tobunken"を開催した。
 アイドゥン教授は近刊の著書The Idea of the Muslim Worldでの議論の梗概を紹介し、アーンスト教授は9−10世紀のスーフィー、ハッラージュのものとされる詩を中心的に取り上げ、初期のスーフィーたちの詩が、スーフィー個々人の内面的な思索の発露であるとともに、彼らを取り巻いていた信奉者たちによって朗唱されることを目的とするような共同体的な志向を強く持つものであったことを論じた。




Date:May 24 (Wed) 13:45-14:45

Venue:Room 304, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo(東京大学東洋文化研究所第一会議室)

Lecture 1:
Cemil Aydin, Imagining the Muslim World: Geopolitics, Race and Religion

Lecture 2:
Carl W. Ernst, Mysticism and Community in the Arabic Poems of al-Hallaj

Cemil Aydin (Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) teaches courses on global history and Asian history. His publications include the Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia (Columbia University Press, 2007), and The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History (Harvard University Press, 2017 Spring).

Lecture Abstract:
Since when has the geopolitical idea of the Muslim World become important for international politics? How can we understand the continuities and changes in the political utilization of the assumption that all the Muslims constitute a political unity? This short presentation will discuss how the idea of the Muslim world was inflected from the start by theories of white supremacy, Muslim intellectuals played an important role in envisioning and essentializing an idealized pan-Islamic society that refuted claims of Muslims’ racial and civilizational inferiority. It will then briefly summarize how this idea had been used in global geopolitics from WWI and WWII to Cold war and its aftermath.


Carl W. Ernst (William R. Kenan, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies; Co-Director, Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is a specialist in Islamic studies, Sufism, and Indo-Muslim culture. His recent publications include Refractions of Islam in India (2016), Islamophobia in America (2013), How to Read the Qur'an (2011), and Rethinking Islamic Studies (co-edited with Richard Martin, 2010).

Lecture Abstract:My recently completed translation of 117 Arabic poems attributed to the Sufi martyr al-Hallaj (d. 922) will be the first comprehensive English translation of his poetry. The introduction offers a new interpretation of the role of Arabic poetry in early Sufism, as well as the singular role of French Orientalist Louis Massignon in reconstructing the life and works of Hallaj. My remarks on this occasion will focus on the theme of community that is powerfully displayed in the poems of Hallaj, and the need to revise the individualistic concept of “mysticism” that is generally applied to the Sufi tradition.


登録者 :森本・野久保(撮影)・藤岡
掲載期間:20170524 - 20170824
当日期間:20170524 - 20170524