
東文研セミナー "Early Islamic Kings: When, Where and Why Did Kings First Appear in the Early Islamic World?" のご案内

 東京大学東洋文化研究所では,中東イスラーム圏の古銭学と歴史学の分野で顕著な業績を挙げておられるオックスフォード大学のLuke Treadwell博士をお迎えし,以下の要領で東文研セミナーを開催いたします。イスラーム,イラン,王権というようなキーワードが交差する興味深いお話となると存じます。年度末のお忙しい時期とは思いますが,奮ってご参加下さい。なお,本セミナーは科学研究費基盤研究(c)「出土資料とくに貨幣資料に基づく古代アフガニスタン史の再検討」(稲葉穣代表)との共催で開催するものです。


講演者/Speaker: Professor Luke Treadwell (Samir Shamma Associate Professor of Islamic Numismatics, University of Oxford (

論題/Title: Early Islamic Kings: When, Where and Why Did Kings First Appear in the Early Islamic World?

日時/Date: 2015年3月21日 17:00-18:30/March 21, 2015 at 17:00-18:30

場所/Venue: 東京大学東洋文化研究所3階第一会議室/Room 304, 3rd floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (Tobunken), the University of Tokyo

Some years after coming to power, the Samanid ruler Nuh b. Nasr b. Isma’il (331-343 AH), broke off relations with the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad and took the title al-malik al-mu’ayyad min al-sama (the Divinely Aided King), the earliest royal title to be incorporated into the official titulature of a Muslim monarch. Why did kingship come so late and leave such a light imprint on the Islamic world? This presentation will examine how strongly negative attitudes towards kings were formed in the first two centuries of Islam; and yet how, in spite of the widespread aversion to ‘royal tyrants’ prevalent in the 3rd and 4th centuries, the Abbasid caliph began to grant formal recognition of kingly status to rulers of peripheral states. The enquiry will be based on a study of the titulature found on coins and other formal documents (including the titles malik and sultan), regalia (crowns and swords) and the literary evidence of early Mirrors for Princes texts and related books, which show a persistent undercurrent of enthusiasm for Persian notions of kingship that survived the Islamic conquests. Malik is a key term in this enquiry: although translated as ‘king’ in English, it may be that the limited scope of powers normally attributed to mukluk in the Islamic world was one factor that restricted its use.

講演および質疑は英語で行われます。事前登録なし;参加自由。The lecture will be in English. Open to public and no registration required.

問合せ先/Contact person: 森本一夫 / Kazuo Morimoto, morikazu[at]


登録者 :森本・藤岡
掲載期間:20150209 - 20150321
当日期間:20150321 - 20150321