Pierre-Étienne Will教授(Collège de France名誉教授)を招請して下記のように講演会を開催します。
東京大学東洋文化研究所 黒田明伸
題目; “Administrative Life in Late Imperial China As Seen Through Autobiographical Materials”
This presentation is a byproduct of the research I have been conducting for a number of years on the so-called “official handbooks” (官箴書) of imperial China. Many handbook authors talk about themselves: they emphasize their professional ethics, tell how they handled some particular administrative problems, and publish anthologies of their own administrative papers. Unavoidably, however, the image of administrative life delivered by such sources is biased by their didactic and exemplary nature. More realistic accounts can be found in a limited yet significant number of autobiographical writings left by officials, some not intended for publication at the time of their writing, whose authors do not hesitate to flout the conventions of public discourse and matter-of-factly describe the everyday realities—including the less admirable ones—of an administrator’s life. I will briefly introduce the various genres of autobiographical writings in which one encounters this sort of information, and then analyze a few outstanding examples dating from the late Ming and from the nineteenth century.