
第128回 東文研・ASNET共催セミナー「 古代中国「諡法」の起源―史書から礼書への発展/ Textual Origins of the Order of Posthumous Names in Ancient China: How a Historical Commentary Became a Ritual Manual」のお知らせ


【日時 / Date】
2015年 11月 5日(木) 17:00-18:00
Nov 5 (Thu), 2015, 5:00-6:00 p.m.

【会場 / Venue】
東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Yegor GREBNEV (DPhil Candidate, Oxford University)

【題名 / Title】
Textual Origins of the Order of Posthumous Names in Ancient China: How a Historical Commentary Became a Ritual Manual

【要旨 / Abstract】
Chapter “Shifajie” 諡法解 in the Yi Zhou shu 逸周書 is believed to be the earliest manual for the assignment of posthumous names in China. However, a number of entries in the “Shifa jie” are not related to posthumous names at all, and the phenomenon of “evil posthumous names” (eshi 惡諡) is difficult to reconcile with the fundamental principle of filial piety. Can we solve these contradictions by suggesting that the text was initially written for a very different purpose?

【コメント / Comment】
平勢隆郎氏(東京大学 東洋文化研究所 教授)

※ 報告は日本語で行われます。
The seminar will be held in Japanese.

登録者 :後藤・藤岡
掲載期間:20151030 - 20151105
当日期間:20151105 - 20151105