
第40回(平成15年度第6回)Asian Studies Seminarのご案内

題目 Cultural Implications of the Rise of China on Asia

講演者 Professor Wang Gungwu
      Director, East Asian Institute
      National University of Singapore
日時 平成15年6月13日(金)午前10時30分−12時
    10:30-12:00 am, Friday, June 13
場所 東洋文化研究所第1会議室(3階)
    1st Conference Room, Institute of Oriental Culture
企画 「東アジア・東南アジアをめぐる主要国間の国際政治」班   研究会

Professor Wang Gungwu, prior to his current position, was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong(1986-1995). He was elected to be Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science; Member of Academia Sinica; Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Science;and Fellow and President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. His most recent publications in English include Don’t Leave Home: Migration and the Chinese (2001); To Act is to Know: Chinese Dilemmas (2002); and Bind Us in Time: Nation and Civilisation in Asia (2002). Professor Wang received his M.A. from the University of Malaya, Singapore and his Ph.D. from the University of London (1957).

登録日時:Fri May 23 17:06:54 2003
登録者 :研究協力掛
掲載期間:20030523 - 20030613
当日期間:20030613 - 20030613