発表者: 島田明(SUNY New Paltz)
時間: 2023年7月26日15:00-17:00
場所: 東洋文化研究所第二会議室
司会: 馬場紀寿
Formation of the Mature Nagarjunakonda Style: Buddhist Art and Architecture from Sites 2 and 3 at Nagarjunakonda
Akira Shimada (SUNY New Paltz)
Since its discovery in the early 20th century, sculptures from Nagarjunakonda have been a crucial resource for studying the final phase of early Buddhist art in Āndhradeśa. Because of the unsystematic nature of the early excavations and the submergence of the Nagarjunakonda valley under the water in 1967, however, studies of the sculptures have been confined to the formal analysis of the narrative reliefs without considering their original archaeological and architectural contexts. While scholars agreed to see them as the product of the Iksvāku period (ca. 225-425 CE), their detailed chronology and the relationship with sculptures from other Buddhist sites are not fully understood yet. As a result, their general stylistic features, described as “baroque” by Douglass Barrett, were commonly compared with the “classical” Amaravati sculptures created under the Sātavāhanas. Such comparison often suggests the stagnation of Buddhism in Andhra after the demise of the Sātavāhana empire.
As a part of my larger research project that examines the validity of this historical model, this paper will explore the monastic art and architecture of Sites 2 and 3, the large monastic complex of Nagarjunakonda that yielded the richest corpus of sculptures. The sculptures' fully-evolved stylistic features represent the matured phase of artistic production in the Nagarjunakonda valley. When and in what historical circumstances was this vast monastic complex embellished with sculptures created in Nagajunakonda? How could we understand their monastic plans and the features of the sculptures in the chronological development of Buddhist art and architecture in Andhra? The paper intends to address these questions by reconstructing the monastic plans and embellishment programs of Sites 2 and 3 and by highlighting their key features by comparing them with other Buddhist monastic remains in Andhra.