
東文研セミナー:池成雨先生(成均館大学教授)のご講演「最近の韓国の権力衝突の制度的原因と今後の展望(Institutional Causes and Future Prospects of Korea's Recent Power Conflict)」

開催趣旨 /Overview:東洋文化研究所にて現在訪問研究をされている韓国・成均館大学の池成雨先生をお招きし、先生の研究についてご講演いただきます。

講演者 /Presenter:池成雨    成均館大学 教授

講演題目・日時 /Title & Date:2025年3月13日(木)14時00分〜15時30分(日本時間)

(Institutional Causes and Future Prospects of Korea's Recent Power Conflict)

会場 /Venue:東京大学東洋文化研究所 大会議室(3F)
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, 3rd Floor *対面のみ


使用言語 /Language:韓国語・日本語(逐次通訳あり)

総合司会/ Facilitator:中島隆博(東洋文化研究所 所長)Director Prof. Takahiro Nakajima

要旨 /Abstract:On December 3, 2024, the President of South Korea declared martial law, and was subsequently impeached by the National Assembly two weeks later. The impeachment trial of the President is currently underway at the Constitutional Court of Korea. In this lecture, I will explain that the causes of martial law and the problems of the impeachment trial are not simple and have various reasons. In addition, I will explain that the structural problems of the 9th revised constitution enacted in 1987 are the fundamental cause of this situation. In addition, I will discuss the articles of the constitution that should be revised in the 10th revision of the constitution in the future.

登録者 :池・上田・多田
掲載期間:20250203 - 20250313
当日期間:20250313 - 20250313