東京大学東洋文化研究所では、オックスフォード大学のTeresa Bernheimer博士を招聘し、以下の要領で二回の東文研セミナーを開催いたします。Bernheimer博士は、8世紀から11世紀にかけてのイラン、イラクにおける地域社会レベルでのアリー家の勃興を扱った博士論文で2006年に博士号を取得した新進の研究者です。二回目のセミナーでは、当研究所の森本一夫も発表を行います。お忙しい時期とは存じますが、奮ってご参加下さいますようお願いいたします。
Teresa Bernheimer, "A Social History of the Alid Family, 8th-11th Century:An Overview."
Teresa Bernheimer, "The Rise of an Islamic Aristocracy in the EasternIslamic Lands."
Kazuo Morimoto, "How to Behave toward the Kinsfolk of Our Prophet: Edifying
Anecdotes in Sunnite Pro-Sayyid/Sharif Literature."
Institute of Oriental Culture (Tobunken), University of Tokyo, will hold a seminar series "The Kinsfolk of the Prophet Muhammad: History and Discourse.
" Our main speaker will be Dr. Teresa Bernheimer (Oxford Univ.), who obtained her doctorate by the dissertation examining the rise of the Alid family in 8th to 11th century Eastern Islamic lands. Dr. Kazuo Morimoto(Tobunken) will also speak in the second seminar. The seminars are open topublic and we welcome your active participation.
[date] 1st seminar: 6 February 16:00-18:00;
2nd seminar: 7 February 16:30-19:00
[venue] Room 736, 7th floor, Bldg. no. 8, Faculty of Engineering, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo (for direction visit: http://www.ioc.u-
1st seminar:
Teresa Bernheimer, "A Social History of the Alid Family, 8th-11th Century:An Overview."
2nd seminar:
Teresa Bernheimer, "The Rise of an Islamic Aristocracy in the EasternIslamic Lands."
Kazuo Morimoto, "How to Behave toward the Kinsfolk of Our Prophet: Edifying Anecdotes in Sunnite Pro-Sayyid/Sharif Literature."
[additional information] English will be the language of the seminars; a casual dinner in Hongo area is scheduled after the 1st seminar.
[contact person] Dr. Kazuo Morimoto (
登録日時:Fri Jan 25 10:08:50 2008
登録者 :研究支援担当
- 20080206
- 20080206