トルコのイスラーム運動やナショナリズム研究をご専門とする米・ユタ大学のハカン・ヤヴズ(M. Hakan Yavuz)教授を招聘し、近年のトルコにおける政治危機とその外交政策への影響に関する講演会を開催いたします。また、トルコのクーデタ未遂事件を多角的に論じた講演者の編著書に関するブック・トークも併せて開催致します。
“The political crisis in Turkey and its impact on foreign policy” M. Hakan Yavuz, The University of Utah Turkey is facing a number of social and political challenges. The most pressing issue is the clash between Islamic and secular actors and the ongoing erosion of the institutions and the rule of law.The lecture will start a brief overview of the historical context of the relationship between state and society in the Ottoman Empire, with an emphasis on the concepts of cemaat (community) and cemaatcilik (communalism). Discussion continues by examining the politicization of Islam seen as a resistance movement to the modernizing reforms of the Kemalist state. The complex interplay of these factors culminated in the construction of a secular cemaat in Turkey.The second part of the lecture will focus on the triangulated relationship among state, society, and religion, targeting the alliance and political struggles between the AK Party and the Gülen Movement, which ended up with the July 15th coup against the democratic government. The lecture concludes that after a decade-long experiment with Islamic movements in power, Turkey is experiencing the most serious constitutional crisis in its history as a modern republic. The final section will examine the impact of this crisis on Turkey’s foreign policy in regard to the European Union, Russia and the Middle East.
13:00 Opening Remarks
13:10 M. Hakan Yavuz : “The Political Crisis in Turkey and its Impact on Foreign Policy”
14:00 Discussion
14:30 Break
14:45 Book Talk : Turkey's July 15th Coup: What happened and why?
15:25 Closing Remarks
16:00 Reception
【主催】科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)『宗教の政治化と政治の宗教化:現代中東の宗派対立における社会的要因と国際政治の影響』(代表:千葉大学 酒井啓子)
【連絡先】千葉大学大学院 社会科学研究院 特任研究員 幸加木 文
E-mail: koukaki[at]chiba-u.jp([at]を@にしてご使用ください)