
東文研セミナー(The Modification of the Twelve-Animal Cycle in the Timurid Period)のご案内(1月14日)

Dear colleagues:

It is my pleasure to inform you of the second seminar of the seminar series “The Urban/Local Elite in Pre-Modern Middle Eastern Societies” (jointly presided over by Dr. David Durand-Guedy and myself; a sub-series within the framework of Tobunken seminars). This time, Mr. Yoichi Isahaya (Ph.D. student, Univ., of Tokyo) will talk about the changes that occurred to the twelve-animal calendric system after its introduction to a social environment prevailing in Central Asia and Iran, which was characterized by the symbiosis between Turko-Mongolian people of nomadic origin and sedentary population comprised mostly of Iranians. It is expected that this presentation will shed new light on the milieu in which the urban/local elite of the mentioned areas operated, in terms of the extents of the impact nomadic population had on that milieu. The seminar is open to all those who are interested. Active participation of younger colleagues will particularly be welcomed.

Presenter: Yoichi ISAHAYA (Ph.D. student, University of Tokyo)

Title (provisional): The Modification of the Twelve-Animal Cycle in the Timurid Period

Date: 14 January 2009, 18:00-19:20

Venue: Conference Room 1, 3rd floor, Institute of Oriental Culture (Tobunken), University of Tokyo (

Contact person: Kazuo MORIMOTO (

Note: The language of the seminar will (basically) be English.


Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo

登録日時:Fri Dec 26 19:58:31 2008
登録者 :研究支援担当
掲載期間:20081226 - 20090114
当日期間:20090114 - 20090114