東文研セミナー("No Change, No Gain: A Case of Myanmar Agricultural Policies)
東文研セミナー("No Change, No Gain: A Case of Myanmar Agricultural Policies)
場所 工学部8号館7階736号室
報告者: Dr. Tin Soe(ミャンマー、ヤンゴン経済大学、通信大学元教授)
コメンテーター 原洋之介 (政策研究大学院大学教授、東京大学名誉教授)
題目: "No Change, No Gain: A Case of Myanmar Agricultural Policies
and Strategies".
There is no need to stress the fact that Myanmar is rich with natural
resources. The country is rich indeed, but the people are poor. Most
studies in this regard, though undertaken independently, arrived at
the same conclusion that policies are the main responsible factors
for such a state of affairs. The policies on land use, production,
procurement, trade and marketing, supply of inputs, foreign exchange,
and so on are mostly inefficient and ineffective that the gains
accrued from them are either stagnant or deteriorating. Why and how
did it happen in such a resource abundant country like Myanmar? In
this regard, an attempt is made in this paper to analyze the
prevailing agricultural policies, strategies, and institutions, and
outline the courses that need to be taken for accruing gains for the
sector, the economy and the people.
Any policy, agricultural or other, in Myanmar once pursued for
implementation would remain unchanged for decades, although the
internal and external factors (-economic, social, political, trade,
market and prices, and technological-) had all changed dramatically.
Even if the policies changed, the changes came very slowly or only
artificially. It is not surprising then that the policies produced
either negative outcome or ineffective to produce fruitful gains.
Moreover, although the market-oriented economy has been the main
approach adopted for national economic development, most policies and
institutions so far had not yet turned into pro-market ones; instead,
they were made by the administrative power for the purpose of
administration and control rather than for building up capacity of
HR, the management system, and/or smooth functioning of the markets.
The reforms so far initiated were mostly technical in nature and in
content rather than directing them towards the improvements of
efficiency and capacity of the market and prices. Last but not least,
the nature and process of policy making so far was not conducive to
development of a market economy, largely because it was oftentimes
out of context of the prevailing market conditions and resolving the
problems of a market economy. The above observation applies also to
the agricultural strategies and institutions responsible for
implementation of policies pursued by the government. They all are
thus long overdue for change or renovation to be efficient,
effective, and gainful for the country.
This led us to conclude that until and unless there is no change in
the content and context of policies, strategies and institutions in
tune with the necessities of a market economy on the one hand, and of
the globalization on the other hand, there is a dim prospect of gains
to be accrued from the prevailing policies, strategies, and
institutions. Over half a century of experience of Myanmar
agriculture had already attested the validity of this claim.
高橋 昭雄 takahashi at
登録日時:Fri Aug 17 17:04:52 2007
登録者 :研究支援担当
- 20070918
- 20070918