Sumitomo Conference 2023 Was Held Online


Global Asian Studies (GAS) Program at IASA, University of Tokyo, hosted online conference Sumitomo Conference 2023: Japan Studies in Asia (1): Approaches from History and Comparative Studies from 2 pm to 5 pm on 15th of October, 2023, in collaboration with the Sumitomo Foundation, which has been supporting Asian scholars on Japan studies through their Grant for Japan-related Research Projects. In the conference, four former recipients of the grant presented their research findings and two Japanese scholars who somehow contributes(ed) to the management of the Grant for Japan-related Research Projects made comments on them. More than 300 people pre-registered in this conference, and more than 80 audience constantly listened to the presentations attentively.

The video of this conference is now being edited, and the final version will be uploaded on the YouTube later. The booklet will be also published and be made public online. GAS Program, which aims at “bridging Japan study experts in Asia and Asian study experts in Japan,” will continue to develop collaboration with the Sumitomo Foundation.




Title: Japan Studies in Asia (1): Approaches from History and Comparative Studies 

Date and time: October 15 (Sun), 2023, 14:00 PM-17:00 PM (JST)

Venue: Online via Zoom      

Language: English, Japanese


14:00- 挨拶 住友財団常務理事 事務局長 日野孝俊
Greetings Hino Takatoshi (Executive Director, The Sumitomo Foundation)
  セッション 1 植民地支配の遺産と歴史認識問題 (日本語)
Session 1 Heritage of Colonial Rule and History Recognition Issues (Japanese)
14:10- 林 佩欣(台北大学)「東郷実と近代台湾農業調査体系の構築」
Lin Pei-hsin (National Taipei University) “Minoru Togo and the Construction of Modern Agricultural Survey System in Taiwan”
14:35- 朴 敬珉(国民大学校)「在朝日本人/朝鮮引揚者による日韓請求権の歴史的問題、 1945 – 1965」
Park Kyungmin (Kookmin University) “Historical Issues of Korea-Japan Claims by Japanese Settler in Korea/Japanese Repatriate, 1945-1965”
15:00- 討論者 福田 円(法政大学)
Discussant: Madoka Fukuda (Hosei University)
  セッション2 日本とアセアンを比較する(英語)
Session 2 Comparing ”Japan” and ASEAN (English)
15:25- ホー・ジョアン(マレーシア・プトラ大学)「臓器移植に対する態度と意識に関する日本とマレーシアの大学生の比較研究」
Jo Ann Ho (Universiti Putra Malaysia) “A Comparative Study between Japan and Malaysia: Attitude and Willingness to Donate Organs”
15:50- ポーリン・ギジェット・レストリア・エストラ(イルメナウ工科大学)「グローバルなジャーナリズム能力と教育の諸問題」
Pauline Gidget Resterio Estella (Technische Universität Ilmenau) “Global Journalism Competence and Issues of Pedagogy“
16:15- 討論者 吉村真子(法政大学)
Discussant: Mako Yoshimura (Hosei University)
16:40- 総括討論(英語・日本語)
Overall Discussion (English and Japanese)
