Title: How to describe Chinese Administrative Law as a system under the Principle of Gesetzmaessigkeit der Verwaltung or Rule of Law in Administration
Lecturer: TAKAMZAWA, Osamu,Professor ,Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
Time and Placd::15:15-16:40 on 15 June,2015 at the Meeting Room2, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia,the University of Tokyo
The conclusion of the report was that the Principle is still under the forming process, because LAW, promulgatede by National People\’s Congress(including its Standing Committee) can not satisfy the system. Participants also discussed on the sub-system(or main system?) of authorizing the State Council\’s legislation in taxation ,formed in 1980\’s. It is still an ongoing system. New Legislaion Law of 2015 demands to abolish the sub-system of authorizing the State Council\’s legislation on taxation wihtin 5 years. It also shows that the principle is still under the forming precess.