Benjamin Elman “A Late Chosŏn Korean Polymath: Kim Chŏng-hŭi 金正喜 (1786-1856) and Qing Dynasty Qianlong –Jiaqing Era Scholarship (朝鲜鸿儒 — 金正喜與清朝乾嘉學術)”

Date: 2:00-4:00 pm on Thursday, 9th October 2014

Venue: Conference room 303 (3rd floor), Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Title: “A Late Chosŏn Korean Polymath: Kim Chŏng-hŭi 金正喜 (1786-1856) and Qing Dynasty Qianlong –Jiaqing Era Scholarship (朝鲜鸿儒 — 金正喜與清朝乾嘉學術)”

Speaker: Benjamin Abraham Elman (Visiting Professor, IASA)

Chairperson: Yasushi OKI (Professor, IASA)

Language: English

The Korean courtier Kim Chŏng-hŭi金正喜 (1786-1856), born a yangban 兩班 aristocrat and a member of the traditional ruling elite, left for Yanjing (Beijing) in 1809 as a youth, accompanying a Chosŏn dynasty (1392-1910) tributary mission. Classically learned and calligraphically gifted, he befriended many Han Chinese literati serving in the Qing dynasty's (1644-1911) government, among them, Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764-1849) and Weng Fanggang 翁方綱 (1733-1818). Of note was that the 1810 mission took place a decade after the Jiaqing emperor, (r. 1796-1820), with the help of his inner court and other loyal government officials from Changzhou 常州, eliminated the Qianlong emperor's (r. 1736-1795) longtime favorite bannerman, Heshen 和珅 (1750-1799).