Yoichi Isahaya (JSPS fellow) published his article on the latest issue of the SCIAMVS.


Isahaya published his article on the latest issue of the SCIAMVS, a journal for the history of science.
Yoichi Isahaya, “The Tārīkh-i Qitā in the Zīj-i Īlkhānī: the Chinese Calendar in Persian.” SCIAMVS 14 (2013): 149-258.
It consists of the English translation, commentary and Persian edited text of the Chinese calendar in an Islamicate astronomical handbook compiled in 13th century Iran in the period of the Mongol empire. This material can be regarded as a primary source produced as a result of cross-cultural contact in Eurasia under the Mongol domination. The article is also a result of his three-years research at this institute as a JSPS fellow.

