Masuya, Tomoko. "The Ilkhanid Phase of Takht-i Sulaiman." Ph.D., New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, Institute of Fine Arts, 1997.
Masuya, Tomoko. "An Overview of Islamic Artefacts Brought to Pre-Modern Japan: Glass, Ceramics, Textiles, Metalwork, and Calligraphy." Iranian Art from the Sasanians to the Islamic Republic: Essays in Honour of Linda Komaroff. Edited by Sheila Blair, and Jonathan Bloom. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024: 111-123.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Archaeological Sources: The Ilkhanate." The Cambridge History of the Mongol Empire. Edited by Michal Biran, and Kim Hodong. Vol. 2: Cambridge University Press, 2023: 436–446.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Images of Iranian Kingship on Secular Ilkhanid Tiles." Iran after the Mongols (The Idea of Iran, vol. 8). Edited by Sussan Babaie: London: I.B. Tauris, 2019: 95–113.
Masuya, T. 「Portraits of Chinese Emperors in the Jāmi‘ al-tavārīkh by Ilkhanid and Timurid Painters」 『美術史研究集刊 (Taida Journal of Art History)』 第45巻 (2018.11)、109–158. (英語)
Masuya, Tomoko. "Chapter 25. Chinese and Turko-Mongol Elements in Ilkhanid and Timurid Arts. Part 2: Timurids, Central Asia, and Ming China (1380–1507)." Finbarr Barry Flood and Gülru Necipoǧlu eds., A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture. Vol. 2: Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2017: 652–67.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Seasonal Capitals with Permanent Buildings in the Mongol Empire." Turco-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life. Edited by D. Durand-Guédy. Leiden: Leiden, 2013: 223-56.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Ilkhanid Courtly Life." The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353. Edited by Linda Komaroff, and Stefano Carboni. New York, New Haven and London: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press, 2002: 75-103.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Persian Tiles on European Walls - Collecting Ilkhanid Tiles in Nineteenth-Century Eu."Ars Orientalis, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, no. 30 2000: 39-54.
Masuya, Tomoko. "The Condition of The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Small Shahnama and the Reconstruction of Its Text." Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images: Persian Painting of the 1330s and 1340s. Edited by Marie Lukens Swietochowski, and Stefano Carboni. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994: 129-145.
Masuya, Tomoko. "The Ilkhanid Phase of Takht-i Sulaiman." Ph.D., New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, Institute of Fine Arts, 1997.
Masuya, Tomoko 『The Potter Elites: The Kashan Potters in History and Art History』 中里成章 編 アジア諸社会におけるエリートのネットワークと文化表象−比較研究の試み 基盤研究(A) 課題番号14209007、2006. (英語)
Masuya, Tomoko. "An Overview of Islamic Artefacts Brought to Pre-Modern Japan: Glass, Ceramics, Textiles, Metalwork, and Calligraphy." Iranian Art from the Sasanians to the Islamic Republic: Essays in Honour of Linda Komaroff. Edited by Sheila Blair, and Jonathan Bloom. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024: 111-123.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Archaeological Sources: The Ilkhanate." The Cambridge History of the Mongol Empire. Edited by Michal Biran, and Kim Hodong. Vol. 2: Cambridge University Press, 2023: 436–446.
桝屋友子 「海のシルクロード-青と白の陶磁器を求めて-」 『The Art of Silk Road: New Research Trends and Perspective』 Seoul: National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage、2021.11、172–209.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Images of Iranian Kingship on Secular Ilkhanid Tiles." Iran after the Mongols (The Idea of Iran, vol. 8). Edited by Sussan Babaie: London: I.B. Tauris, 2019: 95–113.
Masuya, T. 「Portraits of Chinese Emperors in the Jāmi‘ al-tavārīkh by Ilkhanid and Timurid Painters」 『美術史研究集刊 (Taida Journal of Art History)』 第45巻 (2018.11)、109–158. (英語)
Masuya, Tomoko. "Chapter 25. Chinese and Turko-Mongol Elements in Ilkhanid and Timurid Arts. Part 2: Timurids, Central Asia, and Ming China (1380–1507)." Finbarr Barry Flood and Gülru Necipoǧlu eds., A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture. Vol. 2: Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2017: 652–67.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Visualization of Texts: Scenes of Mourning in the Great Mongol Shāhnāma."Orient 52 2017.3: 5–20.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Iranian Tiles from the Ilkhanid Period at Shangri La."Orientations 47–8 (November/December 2016) 2016.11: 76–83.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Seasonal Capitals with Permanent Buildings in the Mongol Empire." Turco-Mongol Rulers, Cities and City Life. Edited by D. Durand-Guédy. Leiden: Leiden, 2013: 223-56.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Database Projects for Islamic Art at RICAS."RICAS Newsletter, Tokyo: Research and Information Center for Asian Studies (RICAS), Institute of Oriental Cultute, University of Tokyo 15 2006.3: 3-4.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Ilkhanid Courtly Life." The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353. Edited by Linda Komaroff, and Stefano Carboni. New York, New Haven and London: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press, 2002: 75-103.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Persian Tiles on European Walls - Collecting Ilkhanid Tiles in Nineteenth-Century Eu."Ars Orientalis, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, no. 30 2000: 39-54.
Masuya, Tomoko. "The Condition of The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Small Shahnama and the Reconstruction of Its Text." Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images: Persian Painting of the 1330s and 1340s. Edited by Marie Lukens Swietochowski, and Stefano Carboni. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994: 129-145.
Masuya, Tomoko. Review of Early Persian Tilework: The Medieval Flowering of Kashi, by Douglas Pickett. Iranian Studies, New York: Society for Iranian Studies 32, no. 4 (1999): 624-625.
Masuya, Tomoko. Review of A Study of Jean Chardin's Description of Isfahan, by Masashi Haneda. Iranian Studies, New York: Society for Iranian Studies 32, no. 3 (1999): 440-441.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Persian Tiles in Japanese Collections." Presented at the Table ronde: Céramiques au lustre métallique de Kashan, Aix Marseille Université, November 23 2021.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Images of Iranian Kingship on the Ilkhanid Tiles,." Presented at the The Idea of Iran: post-Mongol polities and the reinvention of Iranian identities, SOAS, University of London, November 22 2014.
Tomoko, Masuya. "The Study of Islamic Art in Japan,." Presented at the WIAS International Seminar “Islamic Art in East and Southeast Asia,, WASEDA University, January 12 2013.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Ilkhanid Art under the Khaghanate of Khubilai." Presented at the The Age of Khubilai Khan. Edited by C. Chang, Seoul, December 18 2008, Seoul National University: 72-87.
Masuya, Tomoko. "Cédulas explicativas (18 objects)." Arte Islàmico del Museo Metropolitano de Arte de Nueva York. Edited by Daniel Walker. Ciudad de Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1994.9 : 118-231.