Shoko Watanabe is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia, at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research interests center on Islamic education, Islamic reform movements, and their relationship to national liberation movements in the Maghrib countries (Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco) during the French/Spanish colonial period. Her publications include “Making an Arab-Muslim Elite in Paris: The Pan-Maghrib Student Movement of the 1930s,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 53(3): 439–454, 2021; “The Party of God: The Association of Algerian Muslim ʿUlamaʾ in Contention with the Nationalist Movement after World War II,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, 50(2): 271–290, 2018; “A Forgotten Mobilization: The Tunisian Volunteer Movement for Palestine in 1948,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 60: 488–523, 2017.