The Development of Theravāda Buddhist Thought: From the Buddha to
Buddhaghosa (Jozabubukkyō no Shisōkeisei: Buddha kara Buddhaghosa e),
Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 2008.
※This book won the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies Award at
Introduction to Buddhist Culture (Bukkyō Bunka Nyūmon), co-authored with
Ryūgen Tanemura and Akiko Shimono, Tokyo: Musashino University
Correspondence Division, 2005.
・Articles in English: “On the Order of the Compilation of the Abhidhammapitaka and the
Khuddakanikāya”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyō
gaku Kenkyū), vol.53, no.2,pp. 11-14, 2005.
“On Expressions Regarding Śūnya or Śūnytā in the Northern Āgamas and the
Pali Commentaries”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku
Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū), vol.52, no.2,pp. 9-11, 2004.
・Articles in Japanese: “On the Development of Wisdom in the Visuddhimagga (Shōjōdōron ni-okeru
Chie no Syujū no Seiritsu)”, Journal of Religious Studies (Shūkyō Kenkyū),
no.344, pp.49-71, 2005.
“The SaMyuktāgama and the Theory of Twenty-two Indriyas (Sōwō-āgama to
Nijūnikon-setsu)”, Eastern Studies (Tōhōgaku), no.109, pp. 113-125.
“ The Composing Order of the Pali Canon: Compilation of the
AbhidhammapiTaka and the Khuddakanikāya (Pāri Seiten no Seiritsujunjo:
Abhidhamma-zō to Khuddakanikāya)”, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō Kenkyū), no.
33, pp.83-103, 2005.
“On ‘Namo Buddhassa / Buddhāya’ in the Northern Āgamas and the Pali
Commentaries (Hokuden Agon to Pāri Chūsyaku Bunken ni-okeru ‘Namu Butsu’)
”, Religious Studies (Shūkyō Kenkyū), no.339, pp. 238-239, 2004.
“The Śūnya as Explained in between the Āgamas of the Northern Tradition:
A Comparison with that in Pāli Texts (Hokuden Agon no ‘Kū’ Setsuji)”,
Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō Kenkyū), no.32,pp. 233-255, 2004.
“Commentarial Elements as Found in the Northern Āgamas (Hokuden Agon no
Chūsyakusyo-teki Yōso: Engi Kanren Kyōten)”, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō
Kenkyū), no.31,pp. 193-219, 2003.
“The Compilational Method for the Sammohavinodanī (Sammohavinodanī ni-
okeru Visuddhimagga no Saikōsei), Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies (
Pārigaku Bukkyōbunkagaku), vol.17, pp.37-46, 2003.
“Changes in the Interpretation of the PaticcasamuppādaGgas: On the
Interpretation of the PaTiccasamuppāda Theory of the Mahāvihāra
Fraternity in the Theravāda Tradition (Engi-shi Kaisyaku no Tenkai: Jō
zabu Daijiha no Sanze-ryōjū Ingasetsu), Studies in Indian Philosophy and
Buddhism (Indotetsugaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū), vol.10, pp.17-31, 2003.