Research Faculty

BABA Norihisa

BABA Norihisa

Department of South Asian Studies,
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
Research theme: History and Thought of Theravada Buddhism

History and Thought of Theravada Buddhism

Research Topics

The Development of Theravāda Buddhist Thought: From the Buddha to
Buddhaghosa (Jozabubukkyō no Shisōkeisei: Buddha kara Buddhaghosa e),
Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 2008.
※This book won the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies Award at
Introduction to Buddhist Culture (Bukkyō Bunka Nyūmon), co-authored with
Ryūgen Tanemura and Akiko Shimono, Tokyo: Musashino University
Correspondence Division, 2005.
・Articles in English: “On the Order of the Compilation of the Abhidhammapitaka and the
Khuddakanikāya”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyō
gaku Kenkyū), vol.53, no.2,pp. 11-14, 2005.
“On Expressions Regarding Śūnya or Śūnytā in the Northern Āgamas and the
Pali Commentaries”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku
Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū), vol.52, no.2,pp. 9-11, 2004.
・Articles in Japanese: “On the Development of Wisdom in the Visuddhimagga (Shōjōdōron ni-okeru
Chie no Syujū no Seiritsu)”, Journal of Religious Studies (Shūkyō Kenkyū),
no.344, pp.49-71, 2005.
“The SaMyuktāgama and the Theory of Twenty-two Indriyas (Sōwō-āgama to
Nijūnikon-setsu)”, Eastern Studies (Tōhōgaku), no.109, pp. 113-125.
“ The Composing Order of the Pali Canon: Compilation of the
AbhidhammapiTaka and the Khuddakanikāya (Pāri Seiten no Seiritsujunjo:
Abhidhamma-zō to Khuddakanikāya)”, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō Kenkyū), no.
33, pp.83-103, 2005.
“On ‘Namo Buddhassa / Buddhāya’ in the Northern Āgamas and the Pali
Commentaries (Hokuden Agon to Pāri Chūsyaku Bunken ni-okeru ‘Namu Butsu’)
”, Religious Studies (Shūkyō Kenkyū), no.339, pp. 238-239, 2004.
“The Śūnya as Explained in between the Āgamas of the Northern Tradition:
A Comparison with that in Pāli Texts (Hokuden Agon no ‘Kū’ Setsuji)”,
Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō Kenkyū), no.32,pp. 233-255, 2004.
“Commentarial Elements as Found in the Northern Āgamas (Hokuden Agon no
Chūsyakusyo-teki Yōso: Engi Kanren Kyōten)”, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyō
Kenkyū), no.31,pp. 193-219, 2003.
“The Compilational Method for the Sammohavinodanī (Sammohavinodanī ni-
okeru Visuddhimagga no Saikōsei), Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies (
Pārigaku Bukkyōbunkagaku), vol.17, pp.37-46, 2003.
“Changes in the Interpretation of the PaticcasamuppādaGgas: On the
Interpretation of the PaTiccasamuppāda Theory of the Mahāvihāra
Fraternity in the Theravāda Tradition (Engi-shi Kaisyaku no Tenkai: Jō
zabu Daijiha no Sanze-ryōjū Ingasetsu), Studies in Indian Philosophy and
Buddhism (Indotetsugaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū), vol.10, pp.17-31, 2003.

Research activities

  • Baba, Norihisa. The Development of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy From the Buddha to Buddhaghosa. tokyo: Shunjusha, 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Sammyo-setsu no densho-shi-teki kenkyu.” 博士(文学), Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo, 2006. (in Japanese)
Articles and Book Chapters
  • BABA, Norihisa. “Buddhaghosa.”In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion 2022.10.
  • BABA, Norihisa. “The Fifth Element of the Sūtrapiṭaka: Rethinking the Canons of Indian Buddhist Monastic Orders.” Evolution of Scriptures, Formation of Canons: The Buddhist Case. Edited by Olna Almogi: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2022: 231−272.
  • BABA, Norihisa. “Greatness or Heresy? Pāli Discourse on Vetulla/Vetulya as the Mahāvihāra Response to the Mahāyāna.”Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies: 一般財團法人東方學會, no. 65 2021.12: 28−42.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “The Birth of “Mahāyāna Buddhism”: How Shaku Shōen Changed Modern Buddhist Studies.” Birds as Ornithologists: Scholarship between Faith and Reason. Edited by Orna Almogi: Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, 2020: 325−348.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “From Sri Lanka to China and Japan: A Short History of a Buddhist Scripture.” The “Global” and the “Local” in Early Modern and Modern East Asia. Edited by Benjamin A. Elman, and Chao-Hui Jenny Liu: Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017: pp.121–145.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Shojo-doron’ ni okeru ‘Chie no shushu’ no seiritsu.”Shukyo kenkyu:Journal of religious studies, Tokyo: Japanese Association for Religious Studies, no. 344 2005.6: 49-71. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “On the Order of the Compilation of the Abhidhammapitaka and the Khuddakanikaya.”Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 53, no. 2 2005.3: 11-14.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Pari seiten no seiritsu junjo: Abidamma-zo to Kuddakanikaya no hensan.”Bukkyo kenkyu:Buddhist studies, Hamamatsu: Kokusai Bukkyoto Kyokai, no. 33 2005.3: 83-103. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Soo Agama’ to Niju-ni-kon-setsu:The Samyuktāgama and the theory of twenty-two indriyas.”Toho-gaku:Eastern studies, Tokyo: Institute of Eastern Culture 109 2005.3: 113-125. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Hokuden Agon no ku setsuji: Pari bunken to no hikaku kenkyu.”Bukkyo kenkyu:Buddhist studies, Hamamatsu: 国際佛教徒協會 32 2004.3: 233-255. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Sammohavinodani ni okeru Visuddhimagga no sai-kosei:The Editorial Method of Sammohavinodani : Reconstruction of the Visuddhimagga.”Pari-gaku Bukkyo-bunka-gaku:Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Nissin Citiy: Society for the Study of Pali and Buddhist Culture 17 2003.12: 39-46. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Engi-shi kaishaku no tenkai: Joza-bu daiji-ha no Sanze ryoju inga-setsu.”Indo-tetsugaku Bukkyo-gaku kenkyu:Studies of Indian philosophy and Buddhism, Tokyo University, Tokyo: Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, University of Tokyo 10 2003.3: 17-31. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Sanze ryoju inga-setsu no seiritsu: Joza-bu daiji-ha no engi-shi teigi:How the Theory of Cause and Effect in the Three Periods was Formed : the definition of paticcasamuppadanga in the Theravada tradition.”Indo-gaku Bukkyo-gaku kenkyu:Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies, Tokyo: The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies 51, no. 2 2003.3. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Hokuden Agon no chushaku-sho-teki yoso: engi kanren kyoten.”Bukkyo kenkyu:Buddhist studies, Hamamatsu: 国際佛教徒協會 31 2003.3. (in Japanese)
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Three Years in Ceylon: How Shaku Sōen Invented “Mahāyāna Buddhism”.” Presented at the Visiting Scholar Talks, Harvard-Yenching Institute, March 21 2022.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Sanskrit vs Pāli: Buddhaghosa’s Linguistic Turn and its Impacts on Mainland Southeast Asia.” Presented at the The Harvard Buddhist Studies Forum, March 7 2022.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Why the Pāli Commentarial Literature Matters?” Presented at the Key-note address for Dhammasākacchā International Level Students’ Conference on Buddhist Commentarial Literature, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of Savitribai Phule Pune University, March 5 2022.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Lists of Texts in Sarvāstivāda Tradition as Witness for Scripturization-cum-Canonization Process,.” Presented at the Conference on Evolution of Scriptures, Formation of Canons, University of Hamburg & Tsukuba University, September 25 2018.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Language Ideology by the Mahāvihāra,.” Presented at the 18th Congress of International Association of Buddhist Studies, University of Toronto, August 23 2017.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Serendipity in Ceylon: How Shaku Sōen learned and changed Western Buddhist Studies,.” Presented at the Birds as Ornithologists: Scholrship between Faith and Reason, Kyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship, Department of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg, July 2017.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Three Years in Ceylon: How Shaku Sōen learned and changed Modern Buddhist Studies,.” Presented at the The 6th Annual Joint Fudan-Tokyo-Princeton University International Conference: Religion, Literature, Image in East Asian Cultural Exchanges, Princeton University, December 17 2016.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Beyond the Pali Texts: Shaku Sōen’s Three Years in Ceylon,.” Presented at the Workshop on Religion and Modernity in the Context of East Asian Philosophy, National Chengchi University, January 11 2015.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Rethinking Canonicity within Theravāda in the Light of Sarvāstivāda Scriptures.” Presented at the 17th Congress of International Association of Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, August 23 2014.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “The Making of the Chinese Ekottarikāgama 49.5.” Presented at the Seventh Biennial International Conference on Buddhist Texts: Critical Edition, Transliteration and Translation, Somajya Vidyavihar, Mumbai. India, December 2012.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Sri Lankan Impacts on East Asian Buddhism: Transmission of a Dhāraṇī sutra.” Presented at the Buddhism Without Borders: An International Conference on Globalized Buddhism, Bumthang, Bhutan, May 2012.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Canonization of the Pāli Tipiṭaka.” Presented at the School of Philosophy,Fudan University, September 9 2011.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Third Elements of the Four Āgamas: Newly Discovered Correspondences with the Pāli Texts.” Presented at the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies at Fudan University, September 8 2011.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Growth of Scriptures: Doctrinal Expressions in the Northen Four Agamas as Compared with the Pāli Text.” Presented at the 16th Congress of International Association of Buddhist Studies, Taiwan, June 2011.
  • Baba, Norihisa. “Some Features in Doctrinal Expressions as found between the Northern Āgamas and the Pāli Nikāyas.” Presented at the The 19th World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa(Tokyo), March 2005.


YearAcademic experience