Research Faculty

KOTERA Atsushi

KOTERA Atsushi

Department of East Asian Studies (i),
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
Research theme: History of Family in Ancient China

History of the Family in Ancient China

Research Topics

KOTERA Atsushi has been Associate Professor at the Institute since 2006. He
received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1996,
1998, and 2003. Before joining the Institute, he was a research fellow (PD),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He has been doing research on
the history of ancient China. He is now studying the formation and
development of the institution of “Lineage Law”.
His major publication is “New Research about Historical Source Material on
Lineage Relationship in the Pre-Qin Era”(Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin, 2008, viii +
557 + 28 pp.).

Research activities

  • Kotera, Atsushi. New Research about Historical Source Material on Lineage Relationship in the Pre-Qin Era Monograph Series of the Institute of Oriental Culture, the University of Tokyo. Tokyo: the Institute of Oriental Culture, the University of Tokyo, Kyuko shoin, 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Gentz, Joachim. 「『公羊伝』における歴史的真実に関する問題」(『日本秦漢史学会会報』). Translated by Atsushi Kotera. Vol. 8 of The. Tokyo: Nihon Shinkanshi Gakkai, 2007.11. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi, Wataru Inoue, and Onishi Katsuya. Translation and annotations of the Shangbo Bamboo Book “Pengzu” “Neili” “Caomozhizhen” Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka. Tokyo: 東京大学文学部東洋史学研究室, 2007.5. (in Japanese)
  • Nishiyama, Hisashi, Atsushi Kotera, and Shin’ichi Yanaka. Translation and annotations of the Shangbo Bamboo Book “Mingzhifumu” “Zigao” “Lubangdahan” 出土文獻と秦楚文化. Tokyo: Major in Oriental History, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo, 2004.3. (in Japanese)
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Zhibang zhi Dao”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 183 2023.3: 82-196. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Bangjia Chuwei”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 182 2023.1: 150-228. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Bangjia zhi Zheng”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 181 2022.3: 108-160. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Sheming”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 180 2022.2: 161-290. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Monarchs on the Zhaojianzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”The International Symposium on “Qunshu zhiyao”, Taipei: Wanshenglou 2021.10: 93-112. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Historical View of the Chu Area on the Xinian and Other Manuscripts in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”Chinese Bronzes and Inscriptions Vol. 6, Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Press 2021.6: 193-204. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Yuegong Qi Shi”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 178 2021.2: 262-364. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Humble Images of the Monarchs on the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”The Conference of the Chu Culture and the Ancient Development of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press 2021.2: 249-273. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Shigaku zasshi, no. 129-11 2020.11: 67-71. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Zifan Ziyu”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 177 2020.3: 232-306. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Jin Wengong Ru yu Jin”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, no. 177 2020.3: 308-340. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Image of Jin State in Chu Kingdom on the Zifan Ziyu in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”Studies on Qin-Han History in Japan, no. 20 2019.11: 1-31. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Translation and Annotations of the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”Oriental Culture, no. 99 2019.3: 123-199. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Readings of the History Books (I)(II).” An Introduction to Classical Chinese. Edited by Takashi Matsue Toru Miyamoto. Tokyo: Foundation for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan, 2019: 216-239. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Studies on Qin-Han History in Japan, no. 19 2018.11: 126-134. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 66 2018.7: 7-7. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 66 2018.7: 7-7. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Initial Analyses on the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”Oriental Culture, Tokyo, no. 98 2018.3: 191-211. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Humble Images of the Monarchs on the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.”The Diversified Study of the Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin 2018.3: 207-237. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 65 2017.12: 10-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 65 2017.12: 10-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Record of Visiting the Qin Culture Exhibition of the National Palace Museum.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 10 2017.3: 69-72. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo Book “Xinian”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo, no. 170 2016.12: 135-420. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Rekishi hyoron, no. 796 2016.8: 93-97. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of “Shaokong” in “Xinianm” of the Qinghua Bamboo Slips.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 9 2016.3: 17-31. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “About Scientific Activities of the Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography of Fudan University.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 9 2016.3: 51-55. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 60 2015.12: 3-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 61 2015.12: 3-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 61 2015.12: 3-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 59 2015.7: 3-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 59 2015.7: 3-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of “Hou” in the Zuozhuan.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo, no. 167 2015.3: 1-62. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Record of the Research on the Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics of the Beijing University.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 8 2015.3: 127-129. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and Annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo-slips “Xinian”.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 8 2015.3: 139-182. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 57 2014.12: 13-14. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 57 2014.12: 13-14. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “‘Kazoku’ no arikata:About ‘Family’.” Chika karano okurimono: Shin shutsudo shiryo ga kataru inishie no chugoku. Edited by Japanese Society for Studies on Chinese Excavated Materials. Tokyo: Tohoshoten, 2014: 44-51. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo-slips “Fuyuezhiming”.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 7 2014.3: 73-98. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Book Review: The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Chinese Manuscripts. By Matthias L. Richter.”International Journal of Asian Studies 11, no. 1 2014.1: 111-112.
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Chiiki bunka gainen toshiteno Chu no seiritsu: Seikakan wo tegakari toshite.”Chugoku shin shutsudo shiryo gaku no tenkai, Tokyo: Kyukoshoin 2013.8: 97-109. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Rekishigaku kenkyu:Journal of Historical Studies, Tokyo, no. 907 2013.7: 50-52. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, 東京, no. 53 2013.7: 2-2. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 53 2013.7: 2-2. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Diyu wenhua gainian “Chu” de chengli: Yi Qinghuajian zuowei xiansuo.”Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies, Tokyo, no. 57 2013.1: 137-138. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “About Character Codes on the Studies for the Bulletins “Chinese Excavated Materials”.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 51 2012.12: 2-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Senshin jidai keifu hensan no seiritsu katei to sono igi.”歴史学研究, Tokyo, no. 898 2012.10: 34-43. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 47 2012.7: 7-7. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 47 2012.7: 10-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Qinghua Bamboo-slips “Chuju”.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo: 日本女子大学文学部谷中研究室, no. 6 2012.4: 126-153. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Shigaku Zasshi, Tokyo, no. 120-12 2011.12: 91-92. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Shangbo Chujian “Zhengzijiasang” no shiryoteki seikaku.”Chutu Wenxian, Shanghai, no. 2 2011.10: 203-214. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “About Chinese Classics at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo University.” An introduction to Chinese Classics. Edited by Tokyo University Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Library. Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin, 2011: 181-200. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Shangbo Chujian “Zhengzijiasang” no shiryoteki seikaku.” Shutsudoshiryo to kanjibunkaken. Edited by Shinichi Yanaka. Tokyo: Kyukoshoin, 2011: 17-43. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Problems of ‘the antique bamboo-slips’.”Asu no Touyou Gaku:Tommorow of the Asian Studies, Tokyo, no. 25 2011.3: 2-4. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “シンポジウム紹介「東アジア出土資料に關する今日的課題」.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 46 2011.3: 4-5. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study on Concept of “Rang(conceding)” in the Pre-Qin Period.”Rekishigaku Kenkyu(Journal of Historical Studies), Tokyo: Aoki Publishing, no. 871 2010.10: 1-16. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 44 2010.7: 5-5. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Kyoto Kitashirakawaryo ryobo chosa kengaku hokoku.”Rekishigaku kenkyu geppo:Newsletter of the Historical Science Society of Japan, Tokyo, no. 604 2010.4: 2-3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 43 2010.3: 6-7. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 43 2010.3: 7-7. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 43 2010.3: 7-8. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Translation and annotations of the Shangbo Bamboo Book “Zhengzijiasang”.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo, no. 157 2010.3: 1-35. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Comment on Lin Qingyuan’s Report.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo, no. 5 2010.3: 62-63. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 15-16. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 16-16. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 16-16. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Senshin shinkan no densei bunken ni mieru ‘Rang’ ni tsuite: Senshin jukakei bunken wo jiku toshite.”The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo, no. 156 2009.12: 1-180. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “An Observation on Qinghua bamboo-slips.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 8-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 15-15. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 42 2009.12: 15-15. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Great Wall?: Overcoming the Boundary Between Anglo-European and Sino-Japanese Sinologies.”International Journal of Asian Studies, Tokyo 6, no. 2 2009.7: 219-233.
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 41 2009.7: 9-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 41 2009.7: 10-10. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 41 2009.7: 10-11. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 41 2009.7: 11-11. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 41 2009.7: 11-12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 40 2009.3: 12-13. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 40 2009.3: 13-13. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 40 2009.3: 13-14. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Zhangjiashan hanjian ‘Er nian luling’ kenkyu: kazoku kenkyu wo chushin ni.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo, no. 4 2009.3: 41-49. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Research of the Bamboo Slips of Yuelu Shuyuan at Hunan University.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo, no. 4 2009.3: 55-62. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Kazoku kenkyu kankei no Zhangjiashan hanjian ‘Er nian luling’ bunken mokuroku.”Shutsudo bunken to Shin-So bunka, Tokyo, no. 4 2009.3: 259-270. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Atogaki:Afterword.”出土文獻と秦楚文化, Tokyo, no. 4 2009.3: 271-272. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “An Impression on the Qin bamboo-slips collected by the Yuelu Academy of Hunan University.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 39 2008.12: 27-32. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 39 2008.12: 32-33. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 39 2008.12: 33-33. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 39 2008.12: 33-33.
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 38 2008.7: 33-34. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 38 2008.7: 34-34. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 37 2008.3. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 36 2007.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 36 2007.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 36 2007.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 36 2007.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 36 2007.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 35 2007.7: 21-22. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 35 2007.7: 22-22. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Shirakawa-Matsumoto ronso: Ronsen yori mita Shirakawa setsu no tokushitsu.”Daikokai:Voyages into thought, literature and history, Tokyo: Shinshokan, no. 63 2007.6: 146-152. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A visit to Yangzhou Han-Guanglingwangmu museum.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo, no. 34 2007.3: 14-16. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. Shigaku zasshi, Tokyo 115, no. 12 2006.12. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Taboo against the marriage between the same clan in ‘Zuozhuan’.”Nihon Shin Kan Shigaku-kai kaiho, Tokyo: 日本秦漢史学会, no. 7 2006.11: 139-161. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Ko Kanaya Osamu-shi no shutsudo shiryo kankei gyoseki kankai.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo: 日本中国出土資料学会, no. 32 2006.7: 14-15. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Chugoku kodai ni okeru ‘Shi’ no seiritsu to dempa ni kansuru ichi-kosatsu: kyodo saishi no ba tono kankei o chushin ni:A Study of Formation and Transmission of “Shi(Shijing, Poetry)” in Ancient China — From a Viewpoint of Relation to the Common Ritual Place –.”Shigaku zasshi, Tokyo 114, no. 9 2005.9: 36-59. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “2004 nen Chugoku In Sho bummei kokusai gakujutsu kento-kai sanka-ki.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo gakkai kaiho:Newsletter of the Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo: 日本中国出土資料学会, no. 29 2005.7: 3-6. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Shanhai-haku Sokan ‘Shiko’ no kansei densetsu ni tsuite: Sengoku jidai no So-chiiki ni okeru ‘Shi’ juyo no shiten kara.”Shiryo hihan kenkyu, Tokyo: 史料批判研究會, no. 6 2004.3: 46-71. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Historical Studies in Japan, 2002: (East Asia) China Yin, Zhou, and Chun-qiu.”Shigaku zasshi, Tokyo 112, no. 5 2003.5: 197-203. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Succession in ‘Zuozhuan’.”Chugoku tetsugaku kenkyu:Todai journal of Chinese philosophy, Tokyo: Todai Association for Chinese Philosophy, no. 18 2003.2: 128-161. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “‘Zuozhuan’ yinshi de yanjiu: ‘Fushi duanzhang’ de beijing.” Di 5 jie Shijing guoji xueshu yantao hui lunwen ji. Tokyo, 2002: 666-667. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Saden’ no inshi ni kansuru ichi-kosatsu: ‘Fushi dansho’ no haikei:An Investigation into Odes as Quoted in the Zuozhuan: The Background of Fushiduanzhang.”Toyo bunka:Oriental culture, Tokyo: Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, no. 81 2001.3: 55-102. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Sen-Shin jidai kon’in-shi oyobi rinsetsu bun’ya kenkyu no tembo.”Chugoku Shigaku:Studies in Chinese history, Tokyo: 中國史學會, no. 10 2000.12: 129-147. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A study on the Ancestor worship and women in the inscriptions of the bronze vessels in Chun-qiu period.”Chugoku shutsudo shiryo kenkyu:Studies on Chinese excavated materials, Tokyo, no. 4 2000.3: 81-101. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Marriage in pre-Qin China in Relation to the Legitimacy of King-ship during the Warring States Period.”Shigaku zasshi, Tokyo 109, no. 1 2000.1: 1-27. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Saden’ kunshi kaiwa bubun no in’shi ni tsuite: naiyo bunrui o mochiite.”Shiryo hihan kenkyu, Tokyo: 史料批判研究會, no. 3 1999.12: 28-51. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Shunju’ shoken no josei-mei ni kansuru shiron: shutsudo shiryo to no hikaku o majienagara.”Shiryo hihan kenkyu, Tokyo: 史料批判研究會, no. 2 1999.6: 38-52. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Kon’in kiji no sai yori mita Shunju Sanden: ‘Shunju’ keibun ni mieru jirei o chushin to shite.”Shiryo hihan kenkyu, Tokyo: 史料批判研究會, no. 1 1998.12: 82-144. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Formation and the Development of the Political Thought.” Presented at the The New Excavated Material, the Qinghua Bamboo-slips in the Chinese Ancient texts, thought, and studies of History, Taipei, December 2022, 臺灣大學. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Formation of Sheming in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The New Excavated Material, the Qinghua Bamboo-slips in the Chinese Ancient texts, thought, and studies of History, Taipei, December 2022, 臺灣大學. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “An Interpretation and Methodology of the Chu Bamboo Texts and Thought in the Warring States Period.” Presented at the The New Excavated Material, the Qinghua Bamboo-slips in the Chinese Ancient texts, thought, and studies of History, Taipei, December 2022, 政治大學. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Images of the Monarchs on the Yuegong Zhi Shi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The International Symposium on the Qinghua Bamboo-slips, Beijing, November 2021, 清華大學. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Monarchs of Jin on the Zhao Jianzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The 2nd International Symposium on Qun Shu Zhi Yao: Multiple Interpretation on The Commentary of Zuo’s studies, Taichung, October 2020, 國立成功大學. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Historical View of the Chu Area on the Xinian and Other Manuscripts in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The Conference of the Bronze Culture of the Northeastern Asia, Morioka, December 2019, Iwate University. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “”the Unofficially Excavated Ancient Chinese Manuscripts” in the Warring States Period.” Presented at the A Course in Oriental Studies(at Toyo Bunko) “An Introduction to the Wooden and Bamboo-slips”, Tokyo, November 2019, Toyo Bunko. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Ideal Images of the Monarchs on the Jin Wengong Ru yu Jin in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the Shang and Zhou Dynasties: Archaeology and Literature, Beijing, October 2019, Beijing Normal University. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Image of the Jin State from the viewpoint of the Chu State:As a Starting Research on the Zifan Ziyu in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The Qin-Han History Society of Japan, Kyoto, November 2018, Bukkyo University. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study of the Humble Images of the Monarchs on the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The Conference of the Chu Culture and the Ancient Development of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Wuhan, September 2018, Wuhan University. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Humble Images of the Monarchs on the Zheng Wu Furen Gui Ruzi in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the The General Study of the Ancient Chinese Excavated Materials by the Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Tokyo, March 2018: 1-31. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Atsushi Kotera’s Speech.” Presented at the Hayashi Minao, Yin-Zhou Qingtongqi Zonglan Vol.1, Zhongyiben Xinshu Zuotanhui, Shanghai, September 2017, 復旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Between Excavated Texts and Transmitted Text: The Formation of Historical Image.” Presented at the The Sixth Annual Joint Fudan-Tokyo-Princeton University International Conference, Princeton, December 2016, プリンストン大學東アジア學部: 100-115. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study on Women of Xinian in the Qinghua Bamboo-slips.” Presented at the Beijing Forum, Beijing, November 2016, 釣魚台国賓館: 27-27. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Cross Cousin Marriages in Pre-Qin Era.” Presented at the The 10th Internatinal Conference on Ancient Chinese Currency and Economy, Hongkong, July 2015, Hang Seng University of Hongkong: 153-160. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Perception of “Chu” of the Warring States period in the Xinian among the Qinghua slips.” Presented at the The 10th Internatinal Conference on Popular and Classical Literature, Taichung, October 2014, 國立中興大學: 13-23. (in Chinese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “Chiiki bunka gainen toshiteno Chu no seiritsu: Seikakan wo tegakari toshite.” Presented at the International Conference of Eastern Studies, Japan Education Center, Tokyo, May 2012. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “先秦時代系譜編纂の成立過程とその意義.” Presented at the Senshin jidai keifu hensan no seiritsu katei to sono igi, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Fuchu, May 2012. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “A Study in the movement of the kings’ residence of Chu State.” Presented at the International Conference of the Three Institutes, Tokyo, December 2011. (in Japanese)
  • Kotera, Atsushi. “The Formation and Propagation of “Shi”.” Presented at the The Internatinal Conference of Tracing the Origin of the Chinese Culture, Zhengzhou, September 2010, Zhengzhou University: 13-23. (in Chinese)


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