Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Political and Legal Structures."A Cultural History of East Asia in the Medieval Age: Bloomsbury. Eds. by Masaaki Itakura and Takahiro Nakajima 2025.12: forthcoming.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Spatial Punishment and Penal Labour in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Japan, China and Mongolia."Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power: Amsterdam University Press. eds. by Adam S. Fagbore, Nabhojeet Sen and Katherine Roscoe. 2024.12: 149–170.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Environmental Justice in Asia."The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ed. by Robert Brinkmann. 2023.3: 1107-1119. [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "The Tongpo Case: Indigenous Institutions and Environmental Justice in China."Critical Asian Studies 53, no. 1 2021.1: 109-125. [Link]
額定其労 「The Encircling Hunt of Mongolia: Institutional Structures and Socio-Political Implications」 第172巻 『東洋文化研究所紀要』 東洋文化研究所、2017.12、98‒65 (25‒58). (英語) [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Comparing Legal Cultures: Civil Case Settlements in Local Courts in Early Modern Mongolia, Japan, and China」 第56巻 『법사학연구(法史學研究)』 한국법사학회(韓國法史學會)、2017.10、123‒50. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "The Making of Mongolian Judicial Records: Chancellery Practices of the Alasha Banner Under the Qing Empire."Zentralasiatische Studien (ZAS) 46 2017: 7-28.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Land Tenure in Pre-modern Mongolia: An Approach Based on New Sources from the Qing Era,」 Ока Хироки 編 CNEAS Reports 『ЧИН УЛС БА МОНГОЛЧУУД』 Meirinsha、2014.8、267-268.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Political and Legal Structures."A Cultural History of East Asia in the Medieval Age: Bloomsbury. Eds. by Masaaki Itakura and Takahiro Nakajima 2025.12: forthcoming.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Общественный строй и судебная система бурятов под правлением Российской империи: В сравнении с монголами империи Цин."Буриад Cудлал (Buryad Studies) 13 2025.1: forthcoming. (in Russian)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Spatial Punishment and Penal Labour in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Japan, China and Mongolia."Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power: Amsterdam University Press. eds. by Adam S. Fagbore, Nabhojeet Sen and Katherine Roscoe. 2024.12: 149–170.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Environmental Justice in Asia."The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ed. by Robert Brinkmann. 2023.3: 1107-1119. [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Хошууны тамгын газар хийгээд “зах хөдөө”: Манжийн үеийн Ордосын Отог хошууны нийгмийн бүтэц, шүүх ажиллагааны бодит байдал, Part Two."Tүүхийн Cудлал (Studia Historica): Mongolian Academy of Science, 2021 2021.6: 161-176. (in Mongolian)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "The Tongpo Case: Indigenous Institutions and Environmental Justice in China."Critical Asian Studies 53, no. 1 2021.1: 109-125. [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Хошууны тамгын газар хийгээд “зах хөдөө”: Манжийн үеийн Ордосын Отог хошууны нийгмийн бүтэц, шүүх ажиллагааны бодит байдал, Part One."Tүүхийн Cудлал (Studia Historica): Mongolian Academy of Science, 2020 2020.6: 168-189. (in Mongolian)
額定其労 「The Encircling Hunt of Mongolia: Institutional Structures and Socio-Political Implications」 第172巻 『東洋文化研究所紀要』 東洋文化研究所、2017.12、98‒65 (25‒58). (英語) [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Comparing Legal Cultures: Civil Case Settlements in Local Courts in Early Modern Mongolia, Japan, and China」 第56巻 『법사학연구(法史學研究)』 한국법사학회(韓國法史學會)、2017.10、123‒50. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "The Making of Mongolian Judicial Records: Chancellery Practices of the Alasha Banner Under the Qing Empire."Zentralasiatische Studien (ZAS) 46 2017: 7-28.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Land Tenure in Pre-modern Mongolia: An Approach Based on New Sources from the Qing Era,」 Ока Хироки 編 CNEAS Reports 『ЧИН УЛС БА МОНГОЛЧУУД』 Meirinsha、2014.8、267-268.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "The Study of Mongolian Legal History: New Approaches Based on Local Documents."Cultural Heritage of the Mongols: Manuscript and Archival Collections in St. Petersburg and Ulaanbaatar: Russian Academy of Sciences and Mongolian Academy of Sciences 2014.4: 40-53.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "By Bettine Birge, Marriage and the Law in the Age of Khubilai Khan: Cases from the Yuan dianzhang (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017. pp. 336)."International Journal of Asian Studies 16, no. 1 (2019.1): 68-70. [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Edited by Vesna A. Wallace, 2015, Buddhism in Mongolian History, Culture, and Society. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press."H-Asia (2017.9). [Link]
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Colonialism and Sexuality in the Frontier Cities of Early Modern East Asia: The Case of Nagasaki and Hohhot." Presented at the Diplomacy Network workshop, Stockholm University, Sweden (Online), June 12 2024.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Minorities in the Qing Empire." Presented at the Sixth European Congress on World and Global History under the auspices of The European Network in Universal and Global History (Panel: Minorities in Eurasian empires: their functions for the survival of empires), Åbo Akademi University and Global History Lab, Turku, Finland (Online), June 16 2021.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Penal Labor in 18–19 Century Japan and Mongolia." Presented at the Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power, BCDSS, University of Bonn, Germany (online), February 18 2021.
khohchahar E. Chuluu,. "Modeling Asian Legal Cultures Through Early Modern Judicial Records." Presented at the 2017 UT-SNU-NCCU Symposium on “Media in Globalized Asia”, The University of Tokyo, November 24 2017.
khohchahar E. Chuluu,. "Women, Power, and Law in Early Modern Hohhot and Nagasaki." Presented at the Gender, Space, and the City in Global History, The University of Tokyo, October 29 2017.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Civil Case Settlements in Local Courts in Early Modern Asia」 The Reality and Nature of Civil Justice in Early Modern East Asia(Korean Society of Legal History 한국법사학회 韓国法史学会) ソウル大学 2017年6月24日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Law, Institutions, and Justice in the Mongol Empire」 Networks, Regions and Institutions in Mongol Eurassia: A Meso-Historical Analysis ヘブライ大学 2017年5月18日. (英語)
額定其労 「State, Justice, and Social Control in Early Modern Mongolia and Asia」 東洋文化研究所 第1回定例研究会 東京大学東洋文化研究所 2016年12月15日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Land Grand System: A Legal History of Land in Mongolia」 Inner Asian Law and Society: Land Control and Land Use in Historical Perspective ハーバード大学 2016年5月10日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Yet Another Layer: Mongolian Judicial System under the Qing Colonial Legal Order」 Central Eurasian Studies Colloquium Series, Department of Central Eurasian Studies インディアナ大学 2016年4月13日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Beyond the State Law: Judicial Practice in Qing Mongolia」 2016 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, panel “Structures, Codes and Episodes: trans-Asian comparison of judicial processes c.1700-1900” ワシントン州立コンベンション センター/シェラトン シアトル ホテル 2016年4月2日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「The Mongol Way: Administration, Justice, and Law in Qing Mongolia」 Harvard-Yenching Lunch Talk Series, co-organized by Harvard-Yenching Institute, the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, and East Asian Legal Studies ハーバード大学 2016年3月3日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Legalized Social Status: A History of Social Stratification in Mongolia」 Inner Asian and Altaic Studies Lecture Series ハーバード大学 2015年12月3日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「The Circular Hunt of Mongolia: An Essay on Its Institutional and Sociopolitical Structure」 New Directions in the History of Central and Inner Asia ハーバード大学 2015年9月8日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Classification of People and Systematization of Hierarchy in 17th to 19th Century Mongolia」 Mongol Law: New Questions and New Approaches 京都大学 2015年2月27日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Religion and Justice in a Transitional Inner Asian Society: The Case of the Mongols in China」 Transformation of Law in the Age of Globalization 同志社大学 2014年12月14日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Protecting the Holy Mountain: Conflicts between Mongols and Mining Companies in North-Eastern Tibetan Plateau." Presented at the Inner Asian Law and Society: Religion and Justice, University of Oxford, November 14 2014.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. "Power, Order, and Justice in Mongolia between the 18th and 20th Century." Presented at the Socio-Legal Discussion Group Seminar, University of Oxford, February 20 2014.
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Local Documents and a New Approach to the Study of Mongolian Legal History」 Cultural Heritage of the Mongols: Manuscript and Archival Collections in St. Petersburg and Ulaanbaatar(ロシア科学アカデミー東洋学研究所) サンクトペテルブルク 2013年4月20日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「The Alaša Model: Administrative and Justice System in the Alaša Banner During the Qing Period」 The Second International Symposium on the Theme of: NEW HORIZON OF OYIRAD – MONGOL STUDIES モンゴル科学技術大学 2012年9月14日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Land-Related Source Materials from Southern Mongolia During the Qing Period: A New View on the Framework of Land Tenure in Traditional Mongolia」 ЧИНГИЙН ЭЗЭНТ УЛС БА МОНГОЛЧУУД: төр ба нийгэм モンゴル科学アカデミー 2012年9月7日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Ruling Structure and Justice System in Qing Mongolia: Banner Government and Imperial Law」 Defining the Jecen: The Evolution of the Qing Frontier, 1644-1912 香港大学・香港浸会大学 2012年5月25日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Public Land Ownership and Private Use: A Historical Overview of Land Tenure in Mongolia」 The Public Seminar of the School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University オーストラリア国立大学 2012年3月22日. (英語)
Chuluu, Khohchahar E. 「Circular Battue in Traditional Mongolia: Focus on Its Organization and Regulation」 Mongolian Studies Open Conference オーストラリア国立大学 2011年11月25日. (英語)