ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--


【第90回】 東アジアのビエンナーレと陶磁器展示/ A critical reflection on Ceramics Biennales in East Asia

  • 共催セミナー


【日時 / Date】  
2014年5月15日(木) 17:00-18:00
May 15, 2014 (Thu) 5:00-6:00 p.m.

【会場 / Venue】  
東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

ウエンディ・ガース 氏 (Curator Taiwan Ceramics Biennale 2014)
Wendy GERS

【題名 / Title】  
A critical reflection on Ceramics Biennales in East Asia

【要旨 / Abstract】


The international ceramics sector is experiencing the rapid proliferation of Biennales.
Currently, there are over 20 international ceramics biennales and triennials and a number
of important international ceramics festivals in operation. This presentation focuses on
an exploration of the international ceramics biennale phenomenon within East Asia.
Focussing on Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the author explores the different Biennale models
and develops a comparative analysis of these events. Finally the presentation considers
the future of these events and their complex relationship with contemporary critical theory.

  The seminar will be in English.