


去る11月7日(土)、ハーバード大学美術史・建築史学部主催で、ボストン美術館調査のため、同地滞在中の小川教授を特別ゲストに招いて、国際シンポジウム「早春図:多様な観点」が開催されました。 北宋山水画史の主流をなす、李成から郭煕への流れのうち、教授が切り開いた李成・郭煕の造形的・文献的研究の核心をなす、郭煕の現存唯一の真蹟「早春図」を中心に全米各地から研究者が参集して行われたものです。


Saturday, November 7, 2009 / Tsai Auditorium / CGIS South / 1730 Cambridge Street / Cambridge, MA 02138

9:15 am - Coffee

9:45 am

Eugene Wang (Harvard University): Welcome and Introductory Remarks

10:00 am

Yukio Lippit (Harvard University): Introduction to Ogawa Hiromitsu

10:10 am

Ogawa Hiromitsu (Tokyo University): "The Chinese Painting Survey and Its Significance"

10:30 am

Robert Harrist, Jr. (Columbia University): "Things I Wish I Understood about Early Spring"

11:00 am - Coffee

11:30 am

Ping Foong (University of Chicago): "Early Spring and the Song Dynasty’s Progenitor Ancestor"

12:00 pm

Charles Hartman (University at Albany--SUNY): "Landscape as Religion, Landscape as Politics: Guo Xi'sEarly Spring"

12:30 pm - Lunch

1:30 pm

Scarlett Jang (Williams College): "Voices from Early Spring"

2:00 pm

Peter Sturman (UC, Santa Barbara): "The Rhetoric of Realism"

2:30 pm

Amy McNair (University of Kansas): "Early Spring as 'Landscape of Truth': Xuanhe huapu on Guo Xi"

3:00 pm - Coffee

3:30 pm

Heping Liu (Wellesley College): "Early Spring and the Eleventh-Century Landscape of Ecology"

4:00 pm

Hui-shu Lee (UCLA): "Small Matters: Guo Xi and Xiaojing"

4:30 pm

Round Table Discussion: Ogawa Hiromitsu, Yoshiaki Shimizu, Roderick Whitfield Eugene Wang, Yukio Lippit

5:00 pm - Reception


Please note: Each speaker will give a 10-minute presentation, which will be followed by a 20-minute group discussion. There will be no assigned discussants.

Organized by the East Asian Art History Program at Harvard University

登録日時:Wed Dec 9 00:41:18 2009
登録者 :廣田輝直
掲載期間:20091107 - 20100208
当日期間:20091107 - 20091107