
第4回 GJSセミナー 「禁じられた啓蒙:間-東アジア比較の視点から再読する李光洙『無情』」 のお知らせ

We are pleased to announce that the GJS will hold the GJS seminars as follows. The following seminars are co-organized by ASNET.

【講演者】 橋本悟(シカゴ大学Society of Fellows)

【題名】 禁じられた啓蒙:間-東アジア比較の視点から再読する李光洙『無情』

【日時】 2014年12月11日(木)16:30-17:30

【会場】 東京大学東洋文化研究所 1階ロビー

【言語】 英語


Speaker: Satoru Hashimoto (Society of Fellows, University of Chicago)

Title: Forbidden Enlightenment: Yi Kwangsu’s Mujŏng from a Trans-East Asian Comparative Perspective

Time: December 11, 2014 (Thu) 4:30-5:30 pm

Location: Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

Language: English

What is by consensus the “first modern novel” written in the Korean language, Yi Kwangsu’s Mujŏng (Heartless, 1917) is often commended as a literary embodiment of the idea of enlightenment. In this presentation, I will revisit this work from a trans-East Asian comparative perspective, particularly analyzing its abundant intertextualization of the thematic, rhetorical, and stylistic elements of classical Korean narrative literature and classical Chinese poetry. I will thereby attempt to illuminate an alternative temporality of “mourning” expressed in the novel’s narrative and explore how it dislocates the novel’s manifestation of enlightenment.

登録日時:Thu Dec 4 09:28:39 2014
登録者 :井戸・藤岡
掲載期間:20141204 - 20141211
当日期間:20141211 - 20141211