
東文研セミナー「10世紀エジプトの修道院における生活/Life in a 10th-century Egyptian Monastery and the Scribal Practices at the Monastery of St. John the Little」のご案内


日時 / Date: 2014年9月8日(月) 15:00-18:00 / Monday, September 8, 15:00-18:00

場所 / Venue: 東京大学東洋文化研究所 3階 第1会議室 /  Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, First Conference Room

報告者 / Speaker: Chrysi Kotsifou (Van Leer Jerusalem Institute)

報告題名 / Title:10世紀エジプトの修道院における生活 / Life in a 10th-century Egyptian Monastery and the Scribal Practices at the Monastery of St. John the Little

言語 / Language:英語 / English

要旨 / Abstract:
This lecture will present the excavation at the monastery of St. John the Little in Wadi n ‘Natrun with an emphasis on the inscriptional material unearthed there. The Coptic dipinti place the inhabitants of the manshubiya under excavation into the vibrant monastic world of 10th c. Egypt, a world that was economically quite well-off, and certainly very highly educated. Further, this inscriptional material demonstrates that the monks who executed them were not only literate but copyists of manuscripts, as well.

東文研セミナー「10世紀エジプトの修道院における生活/Life in a 10th-century Egyptian Monastery and the Scribal Practices at the Monastery of St. John the Little」

問い合わせ先 / Contact: 辻明日香  /  Asuka [(_at_)=@]


登録者 :辻・西村・藤岡
掲載期間:20140829 - 20140908
当日期間:20140908 - 20140908