
東文研セミナー "Garments and Maoists in Nepal: The ethnic politics of class movement confronting market failure and national transition" が開催されました

東洋文化研究所班研究「南アジア北部における人類学的研究の再検討」では、現在アジア・リーダーシップ・フェロー・プログラムのフェローとして来日中の経済人類学者、Mallika Shakya氏を招き、下記の通り東文研セミナーを開催した。ネパールの縫製産業の1990年代以降の急速な浮沈を、世界的な自由化の流れ、アメリカの通商政策の変更、ネパールの政治史と労働組合史、マオイストとの関係、階級意識と民族意識等の問題と結び付ける形で批判的に分析した密度の濃い発表に続き、8人の参加者により、縫製産業の特殊性、各労働組合の性格、バングラデシュとの比較などの論点に関して、詳細な議論が行われた。

Title: Garments and Maoists in Nepal: The ethnic politics of class movement confronting market failure and national transition

Speaker: Dr. Mallika Shakya (South Asian University; 2014 Fellow, Asia Leadership Fellow Program)

Date and Time: 15:30-17:30, Sunday, 19 October, 2014

Venue: Meeting room No.1, 3F, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo(東京大学東洋文化研究所三階・第一会議室)

Disillusioned by the unfulfilled promises of development, Nepali garment workers' efforts to make sense of their everyday life increasingly took ethnic expressions, and eventually became the proselytizing ground for the urban class movement waged by the Maoist rebels. What I offer in this paper is an ethnographic portrayal of how the garment shop floors went from being the capitalist fronts of industry competitiveness to the Maoist battle ground for labour uprising. My suggestion is that the contexts of colossal developmental failure and unprecedented state transformation, alongside the politics of daily resistance, are constitutive of ethnic politics that took a new meaning in twenty first century Nepal. This paper is a critical inquiry into Nepal's current national transition through the interplay of class and ethnic activism, notions of politics and development, and practice.

東文研セミナー 「Garments and Maoists in Nepal: The ethnic politics of class movement confronting market failure and national transition」

東文研セミナー 「Garments and Maoists in Nepal: The ethnic politics of class movement confronting market failure and national transition」

登録者 :名和・藤岡
掲載期間:20141019 - 20150119
当日期間:20141019 - 20141019