
東文研シンポジウム「新憲法の制定と政教関係のゆくえ/Making a New Constitution and State-Religion Relations」のご案内


Making a New Constitution and State-Religion Relations: The Case of Post-Revolutionary Egypt

【日時/ Date】
2013年7月23日(火) July 23, 2013 (Tue)   

【場所/ Venue】
東京大学本郷キャンパス 東洋文化研究所 3階 大会議室
Main conference room, 3rd floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (Tobunken), The University of Tokyo

【報告 Paper 1】

報告者 Speaker:
Kazuaki Takemura (PhD Student, The University of Tokyo, JSPS fellow)

題名 Title:
How was the Egyptian 2012 Constitution Formulated? Reading Discussions on Islam in al-Ahram Newspaper

要旨 Abstract:
This presentation will offer a brief introduction to the trajectory of formulation of the Egyptian 2012 constitution. President Muhammad Mursi announced officially the establishment of the new constitution on 25th Dec. 2012, almost two years after the suspension of the 1971 constitution on 13 Feb., 2011. What events and forces affected the constitution-making process during this period? What opinions and discussions led to keep controversial articles such as the Article 2 on Islamic shari‘a as the main source of legislation and to add a number of new articles such as Article 3 on allowing Christians and Jews to follow their own shariʻas, Article 4 on enshrining al-Azhar, and Article 219 on giving a complementary explanation what Islamic shariʻa is. The presentation will use al-Ahram newspaper, one of the most widely distributed Arabic newspapers in Egypt, as the main source of information.

【報告 Paper 2】
報告者 Speaker:
ジャンルカ・パロリン氏(東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 訪問准教授、カイロ・アメリカ大学法学部 助教授)
Gianluca P. Parolin (Visiting Associate Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Assistant Professor of Law, The American University in Cairo

題名 Title:
Shall we ask al-Azhar? Legislating in the New Egypt

要旨 Abstract:
The lecture will address the way passing legislation has changed since the adoption of the 2012 Constitution. It will use as a case study the first piece of legislation passed: the law regulating Islamic-compliant state-issued bonds (sukuk).

the NYU papers

【司会・解説 Chair & Comments】
長沢栄治氏(東京大学 東洋文化研究所 教授)
Eiji Nagasawa (Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo)

担当: 長沢


Contact person: Emi Goto (emi-gto[at]

登録日時:Fri Jun 21 16:25:21 2013
登録者 :長沢・後藤・藤岡
掲載期間:20130621 - 20130723
当日期間:20130723 - 20130723